Own Pictures Thread

Evelyn... <3
Lauren, you've got the coolest friends, pretty much ever. (Lauren, def a German's name :p)

and I hate to admit it, but I like Gonzo's new pics.
@the fake pic of vik: hahahahahahahaha, he looks like he's in a mental institute
@Alexis: :) :) :)

<3 you and pelle

critics hurt, dont they? im honest thats all. and i m not going down on that stupid internet language level.

good bye im going back to my life. the thing outside of the computer since you dont know....


what the hell do you have next to your eye? someone teach the girl how to put make up pls :erk:

:lol: Are you THAT bored Alex that you had to bust ut the fake account?

hush girl. my toilet paper is more interesting looking than you.


if not then what the hell are you? :erk:

She's not a fat german dyke.

sorry but you re too dumb for that
OHH ANOTHER GOOD ONE!! Where do you come up with this!?

GTFO of cobot please. Seriously you wont stay out of anyone's ignore list for more then 3 days
Aw well, she is like one of the most notorious trolls to hit this place, it's a wonder she's not been permabanned.

hmm i forgot about that last part in the 2nd video.

Faggot. Smashing a sign one a fence then running away yelling "OMG OMG" is fucking GAY.... understand? And riding around in your boxers down 4 stairs on a scooter then exposing your ass when there's only MALES around is fucking homosexual to the max. Congrats.