Own Pictures Thread

Who the fuck are you calling ugly? Ever took a glance at the mirror, sweetheart?

Wow, you know what a mirror is! I'm surprised, I didn't think they had those down in the 3rd world Mr. Hobbit. Grow the beard back because without it the pimples are VERY noticeable. Go back to Battleheart where you belong and make more polls about how short you are and how baldy you want to mongle those guy's cocks. :)
Wow, you know what a mirror is! I'm surprised, I didn't think they had those down in the 3rd world Mr. Hobbit. Grow the beard back because without it the pimples are VERY noticeable. Go back to Battleheart where you belong and make more polls about how short you are and how baldy you want to mongle those guy's cocks. :)

3rd world? That doesn't explain why your first world bombardier is so afraid of us.

Anyway. Boo-fucking-hoo! Grow some balls, learn how to support a discussion and then come back. We all know the drill: you run out of arguments, you get desperate and then you try all you can to find something you can attack with. Not gonna work with me. "Argumentum ad Hominem". Google it.

PS> You've already used the "omg pimples!!" thing once. You know, you probably can be original if you try!
I had written "an argument", but then I used "argument" again in the next sentence and then went back and changed it, but forgot to change the article :erk:



Just showing off myself :lol:
yeah i did cut it again, but this pic was taken before.
anyway,they do look shorter than they really are.
3rd world? That doesn't explain why your first world bombardier is so afraid of us.

Anyway. Boo-fucking-hoo! Grow some balls, learn how to support a discussion and then come back. We all know the drill: you run out of arguments, you get desperate and then you try all you can to find something you can attack with. Not gonna work with me. "Argumentum ad Hominem". Google it.

PS> You've already used the "omg pimples!!" thing once. You know, you probably can be original if you try!

It's the internet, bud. If you want substance in an argument, gb2university faggot. That is what law school is for anyways, at least you'll be doing something productive with someone who gives a shit. So do yourself a favour and enroll now.

Btw, you're not impressing anyone with your 'intelligence'. (Just a random side note because it's been bothering me for a while now.) Yes, you can speak other languages, and I respect that. And yes, you may even be quite brilliant in whatever field (mathematics?) you study, but that hardly makes you better than anyone. Jokingly, sure go ahead and belittle people and claim to be superior. In fun, it's 100% ok.

But Mr. 15K, for a long time have been toting around your academic prestige like a 12inch epenis, trying to use it to cockslap anyone who disagrees with you. You try far too hard to come off as a genius. You're smart, yes but let's not pretend that you're infallible. I've seen you proven wrong many, MANY times (which is fine, it happens) so don't act like your some all knowing entity.

I am clever too, I just choose to be juvenile on this forum because it's far more entertaining to me. And you know, BCOZ ITZ JUST TEH INTR4W3BZ!!1!