Own Pictures Thread

weird looking on wacken

my friends made me 2 ponytails :erk:
Wacken toilet ist krieg :p


The toilets were actually a lot cleaner than I expected :O
Or just a far less emo side parting would make things a little better :rofl:

hehe, me and my sister got our hair cut too and she has bangs. so when she puts it to the side, it looks emo big time. Now i see why emos are alwayz flipping their hair.
Showing off my room:Smug:

Eli likes this pic of her Nikki!! :oops: *hugs* :)

Smoking my tongue:
Hahaha!! :lol: ....this one is really a funny pic, Kev!
But still haven't understood what colour your eyes are... grey/blue? Hmm. By the way, glad to see you're back, my keyboardist buddy.

Fetzer said:
(That wasn't a pose, by the way, a friend took it will I was lost in my mind... still cool)
Yeah, I was about to say "nice pose!", but as you wrote, it wasn't an intentional pose.
Anyway, this is really of my fav pics of you... it's kinda artistic somehow, and it suits to you. :)