Own Pictures Thread


shut the fuck up dude. you're a wimp. you're not impressing anyone.
I fucking lolled:lol: Seriously, I'm not impressing anyone, I know. But :cry: :cry: that picture is worser than a down syndrome cumshot, and I actually cringe when looking at it:mad: It's not a great smile because it's meant to look stupid and I have in fact changed quite a bit, so suck my cock and I'll prove it with an unphotoshopped image.
:lol: I would attempt to post a pic like that, but I have a reputation to keep as the modest and not arrogant guy (hahahahahahahahahaha) so instead I give you this picture of me waiting for Blind Guardian to come on, baring the torture of having to listen to Lacuna Coil :erk: (also, check the Wacken thread for some epic win band photos later, once I can be arsed to post them :rofl:)
