Own Pictures Thread

1) Shut the fuck up.

2) What a sad comment from a sad person. She's 17, i don't think she needs any guidance on that subject. It's funny how you're scared of pervs, yet you wanna fuck Vikk, the 40 year old pedophile.
This is why we can't have nice things. Fucking tranny, i'm pissed off.

And yes, i got the chance to watch the pics. Elfegirl: please, don't stop posting nice pictures just cause LR has a dick.

:worship: :worship: :worship: The wrath of Gonzo! :lol: I couldn't have said it better myself.
From last night.


I'll send it cause I got Heartless approbation :D

I saw your pic full of colour, but I could not reply at the moment, coz I was not in home and I totally forgot my password from UM :lol:, but I saw it and was grEEEAATTTT, and btw I saw the last couple of pics u posted, and they were normal I don't know what's the problem, they were totally fine :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
i didn't see the other ones, but if all men are so eager to claim they were okay, i'm guessing they were a bit provocative? :lol:

do what you want ;)

nice skirt, btw
^Used to have a parrot, but since he flew away.. i refused to throw the cage away.