Own Pictures Thread

I bought this for a girl, do you think looks nice ?



HORRIBLE! :erk::erk::erk:

Sorry. :lol:
I'm bored and i just got the pics from my friends camera...so why not...this is what i've been up to all summer. too many parties :lol: but these pics are from the night of 55 cup beer pong! it was awesome. we were all wasted by the end of that game

setting it up

just some ppl chilling waiting for the game to start. there's always an audience for beer pong.

it was us gals vs. the guys. from left to right, Annie, Leil, and me.

the guys. Bruce (i had fun with him that night ;) I couldn't resist the Irish hat :lol:), Justin aka J-con cuz he's gangsta like dat, and Alex (Leil's bf)

in the middle of the game...we were getting our ass kicked! but we made a comeback at some point...

anyway, my friend just called and i'm heading out to the bar. Cheers :kickass: