Own Pictures Thread

die, frenchie :p

……………,-*lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll.\……………………………
You say stuff in spanish cause you have no balls to say it in a way the girls would understand. That makes you a sad, sad person.

No man, I say it in spanish coz they won't know what I said ( most of them ) and will have the urge to ask, it's all a simple mind game man.

And yes I have the balls, what's the worst thing that could happen to me If I say sth nasty or perv towards them ? A simple ban ? I clean my ass with the ban stuff, and if somebody get pissed off, what do I lose ? I don't lose nothing or barely nothing.

Which's unfortunate, because I see much potential in you.

Thanx man, but Im not being sarcastic, but I know Im worthy, you didn't have to tell me :p

Please take care.

So you too man.