Own Pictures Thread

You're an emo with a gay fringe haircut. You suck Gonzo's balls every opportunity you get. It is really unnecessary. Plz an hero.

I bet you didn't even laugh :rolleyes: Intodudes was funny the first time, you are just counter-attacking my "KillerFonzie" :lol:

The problem is, technically everyone born here should be a "native american". It's not an exact science :p The term "indians" was coined because these were the "west indies" at some point in time. That's why I think we should all say "who cares" to it :p

Agreed. I don't really care :loco:
The problem is, technically everyone born here should be a "native american". It's not an exact science :p The term "indians" was coined because these were the "west indies" at some point in time. That's why I think we should all say "who cares" to it :p

are you up your ass? :lol:

columbus thought he had sailed around the world and landed in india. he then proceeded to call the people he encountered "indians"
I went to New York on Wednesday, it was awesome.

My only complaint is people. Swarms of mindless idiots wandering around, cutting me off, sometimes with their strollers. I was almost tempted to kick a few strollers into the NYC traffic, but I just yelled at the mothers instead.

Me and my brother with Santa in Times Square

My new mascot buddy

back on topic, assholes:p
*lol* the last pic rules nikki
i love people who beat up mascots.. no idea why but i love these big stupid things walkign around and smiling even if they're pissed off as fuck