Own Pictures Thread

My girlfriend has two cavies, they are the worst and most frightened pets I have EVER seen. Annoying. Funny thing is that they only pretend to be shy. Once there were three of them, but Sid killed his sister Maggie in the night.
My rabbits were shit. They used to shit themselves when you moved. We couldn't walk up to them, pick 'em up and stroke 'em like NORMAL RABBITS. We had to chase it round the garden everynight to make the fookin' thing go back in its hutch. :(

Actually....normal rabbits are supposed to be scared of people and not very friendly. Thats why they are shitty pets.

I like rats and cats...but I don't have any pets.
My rabbits were shit. They used to shit themselves when you moved. We couldn't walk up to them, pick 'em up and stroke 'em like NORMAL RABBITS. We had to chase it round the garden everynight to make the fookin' thing go back in its hutch. :(

Actually, rabbits are curious animals, you gotta let them walk to you, walking up to them will scare them away.
I had to take care of a friend's rabbit once. He humped the plush rabbit I put in his cage.

in the head :zombie:
I had guinea pigs we started with 2 then they both had 4 babies each but we sold the males to a family and their grandpa said he ate guinea pigs in nam and that they were good eating, but unfortunately when we moved up to townsville about 3 years later a dog came and ripped through the cage and ate them so i went over to the neighbors house while animal control was taking it away and kicked the fucking shit out of them because i love my animals, so if my dog that i have now bender got killed i would serious stab or shoot the cunt who did it or his dog.

Nice :) I like it.

Omg, bunnies!!!



And I was hanging out with this pretty jackass last night. He did a question and answer session, and we talked a good amount about exercise techniques.

Me and some good friends! Awesome people, I really wish they lived closer I miss them a lot :p We always have so much fun. Scott (guy with American flag) was fucking drunk off his ass and giving people lectures about why they should own penguins :lol: It was awesome.


Me surprise attacking Brian during the show :lol: This motherfucker is crazy though, he fucking climbed the fucking huge speakers while singing and probably pissed off the venue owners a lot. Awesome guy.


Elias and I. He actually remember me from the last show in September, that is fucking incredible. Really it is, awesome fucking guy. He remembered he promises a guitar pick (last time he didn't have his own signature series yet) but luckily I had already gotten like 4 of his picks he threw into the crowd over the duration oft he show so, it was ok, nice gesture though.


:lol: Henkka. What an epic guy. Drunk as fuck, so fun to hang with. He's always jolly and cracking jokes, I had a beer with him last show, and this time we just talked for a bit lol, he was pretty smashed though :p.


I look like an huge faggot in this picture, but only because this is like a millisecond before I burst into fucking laughter of epic proportions because as we were holding him he starts humping the air violently... :lol: Jeremy is awesome.

My camera batteries died before I could get anymore pics with Sonata but we all hung out for like 45 mins in the freezing cold :lol: Epic night.