Own Pictures Thread


I know they're a bit of place.





Me and some good friends! Awesome people, I really wish they lived closer I miss them a lot :p We always have so much fun. Scott (guy with American flag) was fucking drunk off his ass and giving people lectures about why they should own penguins :lol: It was awesome.


Me surprise attacking Brian during the show :lol: This motherfucker is crazy though, he fucking climbed the fucking huge speakers while singing and probably pissed off the venue owners a lot. Awesome guy.


Elias and I. He actually remember me from the last show in September, that is fucking incredible. Really it is, awesome fucking guy. He remembered he promises a guitar pick (last time he didn't have his own signature series yet) but luckily I had already gotten like 4 of his picks he threw into the crowd over the duration oft he show so, it was ok, nice gesture though.


:lol: Henkka. What an epic guy. Drunk as fuck, so fun to hang with. He's always jolly and cracking jokes, I had a beer with him last show, and this time we just talked for a bit lol, he was pretty smashed though :p.


I look like an huge faggot in this picture, but only because this is like a millisecond before I burst into fucking laughter of epic proportions because as we were holding him he starts humping the air violently... :lol: Jeremy is awesome.

My camera batteries died before I could get anymore pics with Sonata but we all hung out for like 45 mins in the freezing cold :lol: Epic night.

:lol::p Looks like you had a great time!
And :oops: awesome pics <3

I look like an huge faggot in this picture, but only because this is like a millisecond before I burst into fucking laughter of epic proportions because as we were holding him he starts humping the air violently... :lol: Jeremy is awesome.

You actually look decent in this picture, i don't think the grim look suits you :p
Recent pic of me whilst walking my dogs. It looks all gay and posey but believe it or not I didnt mean to take the picture :lol: I was just fucking around with my phone button shortcuts. Whatever I liked the result :p
