Own Pictures Thread

if you bought these pants like this you are a lousy loser
Those pants are like 6 years old, just these pants got more life than 90% of the poeple on that board.

It looks like you were alone all the time :lol:
More or less, I just choose these pics, I don't want to fucking create a massive shit with pictures of my friend again.

You're such a goof :lol::p

lol, goof is really bad word in canada up there with cunt even :p

Maybe for english canada, but I don't really take it as a bad thing, could go with "joker", or "OMG Fetzer I want to have sex with you, you are so funny! :oops:" something like that you know.
Hey you guyz, don't bash on Kev for nothing, leave him alone!!! :mad: .....:)

Kev... just out of curiosity, when did you take those pics? I'm asking cuz you said "that night", but I didn't understand of which night you were talking of! :p :)
is it me or does the height-convo return like... every half year or so? :lol:
someone post pics :mad:

important edit: i can't remember if i said it before but italian women make me drewl, in a good way that is :D
