Own Pictures Thread

Hi guys! My name is Gonzalo and I'm new to the forum. Hope I can make lots of friends here! ^^

Btw, this is me.


this is like the resurrection of jesus
dude look at your hair you fucking emo go cut yourself and write poetry you fucking faggot. go toss some salad you fucking homosexual fairy.

:lol: LOLZ somebody called my hair emo, that has made my day.

Draznog, its nice to see the word faggot is still be used, on the subject of salad i just had some for lunch how did you know, thats awesome.
Norway and Sweden is full of gays like that:erk:

Really? They have taken the most awful parts of the Guido and the hipster/emo scenester and mashed them together into an uberghey, overly tanned suckfest of magnificent proportions.

Draznog: Fauxhawks are for faggots and queers. Get a real haircut.