Own Pictures Thread

You aren't pregnant? :eek: I srsly thought you were wasn't makin a joke :lol:
:lol: ok... I guess it's the angle/lighting/etc. No, I'm far from pregnant. Just drunk and trying to keep my balance in stupidly high-heeled shoes.

I really could not resist. :lol:
That's exactly what we were going for! :lol: He's a friend. A lurker friend.
Congratulations! When are you due?
I chortled! :lol:
You sure have a third-world country house! :lol:

I can only imagine how bad the stench of shit and body odour clouds up your house. You're french (seriously just get the fuck out of Canada :loco:) :lol: There's only a few cool french people, the rest of you are :erk:.

Seriously, I was stuck between two of you sweaty frog fucks at Iron Maiden and you guys must love the smell of your own shit because they were pissing sweat from their pores until I threw them off the fucking gate. Disgusting. :err:

That's good, that's good, but still, you're from Australia.
And you're from Quebec, Australia fucking pwns Quebec any time and place.

holy shit... you've got 11,000 posts, i better be careful and not offend you otherwise i won't enjoy myself here.
Edited for accuracy.


:lol: ok... I guess it's the angle/lighting/etc. No, I'm far from pregnant. Just drunk and trying to keep my balance in stupidly high-heeled shoes.

That's exactly what we were going for! :lol: He's a friend. A lurker friend.
