Own Pictures Thread

Wow, for once i agree with Killergon, can we get a highfive on that?

*high five*

btw, judging from your avatar, you seem to be 10 year old :lol:


I can be METUHL without having to wear a band T-shirt today. :lol:

Voltorb :lol:

The man has a point.
Being a big fan is one thing, its another to want to suck their cocks.

Its like 2005 again. Quick, someone make a Disney theme metal band! :O

Oh God, remember the wave of AYDY fanbois?

Prepare for the new wave!!! :lol: :zombie:
Dear God, no wonder why every forum in UM laughs at COB fanbois.

I hope you're happy with it.

And no matter how hard you try, you'll never be Laiho.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I'm trying to save what's left of your dignity.

Don't be sorry; you don't have to try to "save" me. My idolization of Laiho is not negatively affecting me at all. The only people who seem to even care anyway are the users on this forum, and being that this forum isn't my daily reality, I don't really care. I appreciate your concern though; you sounded very sincere. :)


Hahahaha sorry man, you know I love you! :lol: :p

:lol::lol::lol::lol: The Goonies FTW :headbang:

P.S. To all of you giving eveningstar a hard time, who gives a shit what he wears and how he chooses to dress? If he likes it then who cares :lol: I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit what you think about him so save your keystrokes and focus on something else :p
:lol::lol::lol::lol: The Goonies FTW :headbang:

P.S. To all of you giving eveningstar a hard time, who gives a shit what he wears and how he chooses to dress? If he likes it then who cares :lol: I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit what you think about him so save your keystrokes and focus on something else :p

Hahaha damn straight man, Goonies owns! :kickass:

And I hate to have to agree with Heartless not just once, but twice in the same post, but yeah, poor Eveningninja seems like a nice individual, no need to forum rape him just because he paints his nails black. Poor guy.

I once dyed my hair green for an Offspring concert. :lol: It's not something I'm ashamed of, really, I went to that show with some friends and we had a great time preparing for it. And it was a kickass show by the way. So let him be young and do whatever he wants to. When he gets older, yeah, maybe he will think "well, alright, it was silly", but it was fun, and that's what counts. He will even *miss* those times. :p
Hahaha damn straight man, Goonies owns! :kickass:

And I hate to have to agree with Heartless not just once, but twice in the same post, but yeah, poor Eveningninja seems like a nice individual, no need to forum rape him just because he paints his nails black. Poor guy.

I once dyed my hair green for an Offspring concert. :lol: It's not something I'm ashamed of, really, I went to that show with some friends and we had a great time preparing for it. And it was a kickass show by the way. So let him be young and do whatever he wants to. When he gets older, yeah, maybe he will think "well, alright, it was silly", but it was fun, and that's what counts. He will even *miss* those times. :p

Couldn't have said it better myself! :kickass:
By 18 a male is ment to know that nail polish is gay.

Dude.... the lock on the necklace.... seriously :lol:

Dear God, no wonder why every forum in UM laughs at COB fanbois.

I hope you're happy with it.

And no matter how hard you try, you'll never be Laiho.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I'm trying to save what's left of your dignity.

Wow, for once i agree with Killergon, can we get a highfive on that?

He even stuck his tounge out. and the plastic bands round your wist are somthing i always wished would of stayed in the 90's

Someone needs to cork that kids mums vagina.

he said somebody needs to put i cork in that kids mums vigina so nothing elce can fall out of her.

The man has a point.
Being a big fan is one thing, its another to want to suck their cocks.

Its like 2005 again. Quick, someone make a Disney theme metal band! :O

don't tell the noobs.

Doesn't look like n00bs to me... In fact the n00bs are the only ones behaving... this insulting and gang mentality is the type of shit that has to stop around here, I mean making jokes is one thing but seems to me you're all crossing the line. Could just be me but, just chill out guys. We're all sposed to be friends here, so act like it. You don't have to like everyone but have some respect. If you can't handle that then you know what to do. Let's just all play nice.
P.S. To all of you giving eveningstar a hard time, who gives a shit what he wears and how he chooses to dress? If he likes it then who cares :lol: I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit what you think about him so save your keystrokes and focus on something else :p

Ok, i tried to ignore a couple of your latest posts but

WHAT THE FUCK is up with you?! Youre TOTALLY not Joe anymore lately :erk:!
Doesn't look like n00bs to me... In fact the n00bs are the only ones behaving... this insulting and gang mentality is the type of shit that has to stop around here, I mean making jokes is one thing but seems to me you're all crossing the line. Could just be me but, just chill out guys. We're all sposed to be friends here, so act like it. You don't have to like everyone but have some respect. If you can't handle that then you know what to do. Let's just all play nice.

^:OMG::OMG::OMG: If someone had told me a week ago that this would happen I'd taken him/her as mad, :lol: Although I'm happy to see COBOT is getting away of the shithole it was lately.

Im sorry, i could not hold back, *hugs*

^ maybe the mods brainwashed him
