Own Pictures Thread

^You look like the drummer from Epica :lol: also, where have you been?
is that a compliment? :p

busy alot with my student club, private torrents sites, etc.

Oh fuck he's back....

Oh wait it doesn't matter, as MIMA seems to have dissapeared :lol: (speaking of which, where is she?)
last login date April 30, she'll be back soon enough

EDIT: btw, How many ppl have changed their names since I last visited? I see alot of new names with lots of posts...
If anyone can get higher than me i shall pat you on the back.
:lol: Naw I was joking I'm glad other people do that shit it's good humour to play around with people's pictures. But yeah, you do NEED to be able to save them in advance so :p I have a huge folder of all the forum pics that I fap to and occasionally use for editing purposes :lol:.

could u rar it up and upload it to rapidshare/sendspace plox?
Usual style photo of me (faceless like Inhe hates :lol:) My drummer seems like a fly just went past his eyes, :lol:


And now one so he can't complain, :lol: Pretty unusual to get a pick like that, as I spent 101% of the gigs headbanging, :lol:

^:lol: Well I do listen to metal and I also play it, :lol:, just that you don't know me in real life, :lol: Maybe when I go to Finland (definitely not this summer cos I'll fail 3 or 4 subjects if not more and I haven't worked so no own money and parents won't pay, :lol:).