Own Pictures Thread

-[chop]-;7267850 said:
Is it just me...or does he look like Jack Osbourne?

The glasses certainly aren't helping....thats for sure.

I got a new phone....and I'm such a loser that I have nothing better to do than take pictures of myself with it.

:lol: Dude, take those fucking glasses off right now and grow a fucking beard. You will look a lot better. But congrats on the diet, you look a lot healthier :lol:

-[chop]-;7267850 said:
Is it just me...or does he look like Jack Osbourne?

:lol: Yeah he does and that's not a good thing.
:lol: Dude, take those fucking glasses off right now and grow a fucking beard. You will look a lot better. But congrats on the diet, you look a lot healthier :lol:

:lol: Yeah he does and that's not a good thing.

Thanks....but the glasses are staying. I'm tired of contacts, and apparently chicks dig them (or so I've been told by chicks that I have no intention of sleeping with :cry:)

I won't grow a beard until I can grow a proper one....but I am shaving my head this weekend. I'm gonna be sporting the "Unibomber" look.

...and yes, I am aware I look like Jack Osbourne. Hopefully as I lose more weight, the similarities will end :ill:

yo man...that diet really pays off, huh?
Thanks. I've been busting my ass. I should fucking hope so.
Thanks....but the glasses are staying. I'm tired of contacts, and apparently chicks dig them (or so I've been told by chicks that I have no intention of sleeping with :cry:)

I won't grow a beard until I can grow a proper one....but I am shaving my head this weekend. I'm gonna be sporting the "Unibomber" look.

...and yes, I am aware I look like Jack Osbourne. Hopefully as I lose more weight, the similarities will end :ill:

Dude, grow something then! A small goatee, ANYTHING FFS. Even just a stubble beard, I mean I know what you're saying some people just don't grow even facial hair, it's fucked. But sideburns and a beard will REALLY slim out your face, you won't even believe it. Trust me, I have a really round face like you when I shave. Also, lose the glasses... if chicks you WON'T fuck like it, then what is the point. I mean if you like them then fine but I would suggest changing the frames, they really don't fit your face at all, imo anyways.

And don't shave your head.... man you're totally committing suicide with your looks.
man you're totally committing suicide with your looks.

<---doesn't care, besides....hair grows back

I like the glasses....and I really can't grow facial hair. When I shave my head I'll make sure to stop shaving my face that day. I'll let it go a 1.5 weeks or so to show you what happens. It's not pretty.
^is that argentinian ground? i like that in a man
I said I had a hangover, not that I was violently drunk! :lol:

I wasn't on the ground, that is a concrete wall and... well that's pretty much it.

I was so pissed off cause I prefer to smoke instead of drinking, but I'm out of weed since a month ago and I'm seriously missing it.