Own Pictures Thread

Dont remember this at all



on our way to gigantour (im on the right) with my really good friend natalie and her brother nick


:lol: j/k, nice pics.

Tease him all you want but I have respect for him. 1) He goes to a lot of shows and has fun, 2) He has been in the same room/space as a girl (the one he's with isn't that bad either) and 3) He always posts his pictures without fear no matter how retarded he looks... all of which are things I cannot say about you :lol:

Now post your fucking picture. :mad:


haha! I'll admit, you are good at the internet owning thing

1) I don't go to many shows. I live in the middle of nowhere and the next closest venue is about 4 hours away. Last band I saw live was Floater :lol:

2) What are you trying to say? I have been in a room with a girl :mad::lol: Was she respectable? No. It didn't even happen in either of our houses. I don't have many female friends aside from two ex girlfriends. I've had sex 1 and half times. Enough for you? :lol:

3) You got me there. I don't want to post pictures, later knowing I will somehow be judged differently, you know? As I said before, I was born without a face.

Oh dear God, what a sissy! :lol:

I thought you admired Heartless way too much but now I see the true reason for being sucking his balls 24/7: You're scared of him! :lol:

You're truely pathetic. Making up excuses for not posting a pic. Who the fuck cares if you go to shows? I'm not a showfag either, so that's not a valid one.

Then you failed at sex? No problem! You can now join Fetzer's club. :lol:

Finally, how can anyone judge you worse than your current status, being a low class troll? The "I was born without a face" comment was the sum of lulz + fail with a little touch of emo philosophy.

Personally, I don't think you'll have the balls to post a picture and you must have a very good reason for it (?), but it would be interesting to see you being judged for once, instead of being judging all the time with your despective comments.
Oh dear God, what a sissy! :lol:

I thought you admired Heartless way too much but now I see the true reason for being sucking his balls 24/7: You're scared of him! :lol:

You're truely pathetic. Making up excuses for not posting a pic. Who the fuck cares if you go to shows? I'm not a showfag either, so that's not a valid one.

Then you failed at sex? No problem! You can now join Fetzer's club. :lol:

Finally, how can anyone judge you worse than your current status, being a low class troll? The "I was born without a face" comment was the sum of lulz + fail with a little touch of emo philosophy.

Personally, I don't think you'll have the balls to post a picture and you must have a very good reason for it (?), but it would be interesting to see you being judged for once, instead of being judging all the time with your despective comments.
:worship: that post was so sexy i fapped at it
Mines old, senile, has bad breath which gets onto her body when she cleans herself and has allergies to the outside world. So someone suggested "herbal baths"... they actually work. Also if we donth bath her she goes overboard with her cleaning of herself and cleans herself raw.
Oh dear God, what a sissy! :lol:

I thought you admired Heartless way too much but now I see the true reason for being sucking his balls 24/7: You're scared of him! :lol:

You're truely pathetic. Making up excuses for not posting a pic. Who the fuck cares if you go to shows? I'm not a showfag either, so that's not a valid one.

Then you failed at sex? No problem! You can now join Fetzer's club. :lol:

Finally, how can anyone judge you worse than your current status, being a low class troll? The "I was born without a face" comment was the sum of lulz + fail with a little touch of emo philosophy.

Personally, I don't think you'll have the balls to post a picture and you must have a very good reason for it (?), but it would be interesting to see you being judged for once, instead of being judging all the time with your despective comments.


:lol: j/k, nice pics.


Oh dear God, what a sissy! :lol:

I thought you admired Heartless way too much but now I see the true reason for being sucking his balls 24/7: You're scared of him! :lol:

You're truely pathetic. Making up excuses for not posting a pic. Who the fuck cares if you go to shows? I'm not a showfag either, so that's not a valid one.

Then you failed at sex? No problem! You can now join Fetzer's club. :lol:

Finally, how can anyone judge you worse than your current status, being a low class troll? The "I was born without a face" comment was the sum of lulz + fail with a little touch of emo philosophy.

Personally, I don't think you'll have the balls to post a picture and you must have a very good reason for it (?), but it would be interesting to see you being judged for once, instead of being judging all the time with your despective comments.

Cute, which reminds me. I have to bath my cat. Trying to wrestle a 6kilo cat into a tub when you yourself weigh 60kilo's.... HARDER THAN ONE THINKS.
On the upside i can give her shampoo Mohawks.

hahaha yeah, my cat weighs 20lbs which is like 9 kilos. And she's really hard to pick up. But we give her a bath outside cuz all the fur and stuff gets messy inside.

And since we're posting pics of pets...here's an adorable cat that my neighbor has. I go to pet him everyday :loco:
:kickass: i dont know why that happens

doesn't matter why, its awsome that it does:kickass:

Oh dear God, what a sissy! :lol:

I thought you admired Heartless way too much but now I see the true reason for being sucking his balls 24/7: You're scared of him! :lol:

You're truely pathetic. Making up excuses for not posting a pic. Who the fuck cares if you go to shows? I'm not a showfag either, so that's not a valid one.

Then you failed at sex? No problem! You can now join Fetzer's club. :lol:

Finally, how can anyone judge you worse than your current status, being a low class troll? The "I was born without a face" comment was the sum of lulz + fail with a little touch of emo philosophy.

Personally, I don't think you'll have the balls to post a picture and you must have a very good reason for it (?), but it would be interesting to see you being judged for once, instead of being judging all the time with your despective comments.

Hail Gonzo the almighty!:worship:

Cute animals- I'll post pics of me, when my hair isn't emo ,until then.. I'll lurk :lol:

Your hair is at the emo stage of long hair?:p