Own Pictures Thread



on our way to gigantour (im on the right) with my really good friend natalie and her brother nick
I'm sure his parents took the pictures so draw your conclusions :lol:

Tease him all you want but I have respect for him. 1) He goes to a lot of shows and has fun, 2) He has been in the same room/space as a girl (the one he's with isn't that bad either) and 3) He always posts his pictures without fear no matter how retarded he looks... all of which are things I cannot say about you :lol:

Now post your fucking picture. :mad:
Tease him all you want but I have respect for him. 1) He goes to a lot of shows and has fun, 2) He has been in the same room/space as a girl (the one he's with isn't that bad either) and 3) He always posts his pictures without fear no matter how retarded he looks... all of which are things I cannot say about you :lol:

Now post your fucking picture. :mad:

Tease him all you want but I have respect for him. 1) He goes to a lot of shows and has fun, 2) He has been in the same room/space as a girl (the one he's with isn't that bad either) and 3) He always posts his pictures without fear no matter how retarded he looks... all of which are things I cannot say about you :lol:

Now post your fucking picture. :mad:

You should add 4) He still wears the HateBreeder shirt for every pic:loco:
Tease him all you want but I have respect for him. 1) He goes to a lot of shows and has fun, 2) He has been in the same room/space as a girl (the one he's with isn't that bad either) and 3) He always posts his pictures without fear no matter how retarded he looks... all of which are things I cannot say about you :lol:

Now post your fucking picture. :mad:

haha! I'll admit, you are good at the internet owning thing

1) I don't go to many shows. I live in the middle of nowhere and the next closest venue is about 4 hours away. Last band I saw live was Floater :lol:

2) What are you trying to say? I have been in a room with a girl :mad::lol: Was she respectable? No. It didn't even happen in either of our houses. I don't have many female friends aside from two ex girlfriends. I've had sex 1 and half times. Enough for you? :lol:

3) You got me there. I don't want to post pictures, later knowing I will somehow be judged differently, you know? As I said before, I was born without a face.
haha! I'll admit, you are good at the internet owning thing

I wasn't trying to own you, just stating some things I observed :p I really think you should post your picture ok. We're all different shapes here, fat, tall, short, skinny, white, brown, no one gives a fuck. We're not going to judge you if you're 300 lbs or 95lbs, :lol: Trust me, there's been uglier/fatter/older/dirtier people that have posted pictures, of that I am certain. Stop being so insecure, IT'S THE FUCKING INTERNET!!1! Also, Mitch and Lady Laiho were the last to post their pictures. You have to follow suite.
1) I don't go to many shows. I live in the middle of nowhere and the next closest venue is about 4 hours away. Last band I saw live was Floater :lol:

Closest venue to me that good shows actually go to is in Toronto, which is 3 hours away. :loco:

2) What are you trying to say? I have been in a room with a girl :mad::lol: Was she respectable? No. It didn't even happen in either of our houses. I don't have many female friends aside from two ex girlfriends. I've had sex 1 and half times. Enough for you? :lol:

:lol: Wtf? 1 and a half times?? I don't even want to know :lol:

3) You got me there. I don't want to post pictures, later knowing I will somehow be judged differently, you know? As I said before, I was born without a face.

Seriously. I am fat. The Butt is fat, Cliff Burton is fat. There's fat people here if you're scared to be called fat, just post ffs. Also, there are a lot of skinny/ugly people too, who I won't name but you get the picture. It's just to show the people who you talk to everyday what you look like to enhance that sense of community, it's not to impress the girls or whatever, even though some people like to do that :lol:

Just post a godamn picture, no one is going to judge you and if they are mean, report them. :)
You are telling me you drive 3 hours back and forth to each gig you go to? That is fucking nuts.

haha, you actually make it seem like I'm ugly or fat :lol: Why the fuck does it even matter? What if Mitch never posted a pic, would you value him less than if he did? I don't have pictures of myself on my computer but I guess I could have a friend email some. I probably won't post pics so just drop the whole thing.