Own Pictures Thread


"Mah camera iz like goin vrouaahhh and shhhwweeee and iz verry fawn!"
Straight hair people get an emo phase when growing out their hair, us curly people get bobba hair :lol: godamn bobbafros.

:lol::lol::lol: I can't currently get my hair to grow out any longer than what it is now. I might get it trimmed by a cm, and see what happens.

Anyways, me wearing the t-shirt I silk-screened in Art class.

:lol::lol::lol: I can't currently get my hair to grow out any longer than what it is now. I might get it trimmed by a cm, and see what happens.

Anyways, me wearing the t-shirt I silk-screened in Art class.


It is growing, it's just curly and it's hard to tell, cutting your hair won't make it grow faster.
Straight hair people get an emo phase when growing out their hair, us curly people get bobba hair :lol: godamn bobbafros.

Some people never get out of that phase dude. My hair has a fuckin tendency to always fall into sideparting...GAAAH! Well ill make it short and start making spikes (OMGSWEDISHFAGGOTHAIR)

Or then i will just do like timo tolkki...after all i am his long lost twin brother :lol:

oh and sorry if i acidentally offended some swedes :lol: