Own Pictures Thread

Some people never get out of that phase dude. My hair has a fuckin tendency to always fall into sideparting...:

It's probably because of the music you listen to, start listening to good music and your hair will be good too.


Me posing with my guitar unplugged.

Gawd, my hair is almost out of the emo-phase:lol:

ah just notized teh gowld hordwhere which iz pritty ahsum:Smug::kickass:
To be honest though, every male that wears nail polish has a very prominent inner gay.
I might do my psychology dissertation on the inner homosexuality of males causing the wearing of girls fashion items.
Straight hair people get an emo phase when growing out their hair, us curly people get bobba hair :lol: godamn bobbafros.

So do I. Fuck curly hair.

I remember the bobbaphase :'(

Don't make me remember it :mad:

It's Chris Broderick again :zombie: !

Cool pics though :lol:

:lol: I'm going to start considering demanding someone for make me having Chirs Broderick's looks but play nowhere near to him, :lol: Only problem is, who I demand?? :lol:

Lol at the Mexican asking for money :lol:


It's probably because of the music you listen to, start listening to good music and your hair will be good too.

You know that the phrase "open mind" isn't in the Swabs vocabulary :lol:

:lol: at both posts, :lol: