Own Pictures Thread

^the girl with the cool stockings doesn't look too pleased to be there :lol:

^^ that girl looks so bored.

I know, but as it's my drummer's girlfriend if he doesn't care I don't see why I should, :lol: Besides, I was too busy headbanging to notice, :lol:

I like how you're always into it, you'd headbang the same if you were at the biggest arena show and if you were playing at home infront of your parents :lol:

Hell yeah :lol: I love playing live :kickass:

DIMEBAG'S ALIVE:kickass::lol::p
meh, nice pics:)
again, killerguitar:p

:lol:!!! So now I'm a mix of Chirs Broderick and Dimebag Darrell?? :lol:

fucking cold beach

Sweater with shorts? :kickass:

Totally Bavarian. Yep. Yep.

This are cool to:


^the girl with the cool stockings doesn't look too pleased to be there :lol:

^^ that girl looks so bored.

Well, who cares I find her kind of cute :lol: (But she looks like a total bitch...)

PS: For those who mind (nobody.) I'm not at home, so I won't be back until next week or so, so here's an (old) pic (cause me doesn't possessing a camera here) so you won't all go in depression :D (Or will (???) ?)


And yeah, that calendar is absolutely AWESOME and out of date.


Now that's a motherfucking bood* marshmallow that dude(?) got there! :kickass:

PS: Cigarettes into guitar strings. It fills me with so much old schools good feelings :p

*Mistake. At first I wanted to write either "good" or "big" but my fucking GENIUS brains just said "screw that dude, I'm just gonna subconsciously make you write "bood".