Own Pictures Thread

My new Tattoo.



Sorry for the bad pictures taken from my phone.

it's aawwwright:oops::oops::oops:
yeah your phone is great:rolleyes:
i don't like the tattoo
Warum bist du so aggro in letzter Zeit? :lol:

man , guck dir die fotos an ,warum dann 'awww sorry sorry for the bad quality'' oder sowas ähnliches
aber warum in letzter zeit..? is da was aufgefallen^^?
Excuse the dirty mirror, my clothes are clean :lol: Looks like I'm wearing eyeliner but I'm not. First and last picture of me, so enough now?


Hm, well if this really is you I don't see what the big deal was... and as far as you saying this is the first and last picture why is that? Do you not go out with friends and take pictures, do you not go to shows, are you some elusive creature that cannot be photographed? I mean that is the purpose of this thread, to share what you look like and the places you go, your friends, to make the cobot girls wet, etc...

So yeah, feel free to post more in the future, also dude, as with Lady Laiho, I won't believe this is you until you post a picture with a sign saying "HI JOE!" or something.. take that as you will it's not an attack it's just for now I can't accept that (or any picture) as you without proof.

I mean, the camcorder could be proof it's you but I think you're smart enough to have made that HALP ME PLOX thread just to back this up, you never know ;)

HOLY SHIT!! YOU LOOK LIKE JMBULLET!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You know I kind of see a similarity :p
Seriously, how can you live with that, guys? Ok, everyone's different, but I always thought that that's the absolute favorite end of every man. Now I fell like a humiliating monster, thanks to Joe.

My new Tattoo.



Man wtf, I thought to were some badass who slaughtered cows... why not just get a dick tattooed on your cheek?

You guys make me feel so dumb only knowing how to speak English :erk:

:lol: Yeah I know. Although it's nice to know english is the universal language so we can be a bit lazy. I don't see the point to learn German or Italian because no one here will ever speak it.
The Alestorm forumers at Wacken:

Buying those flags was an awesome idea, also you can't really see Alan's shirt (far left), but he's wearing a 'Sabaton - Attero Dominatus' shirt, Andy is wearing a 'Sabaton - The Art of War' shirt and I'm in a 'Sabaton - Primo Victoria' shirt. All three Sabaton albums (apart from the first but whatever) ftw :lol: