Own Pictures Thread

:lol: Apparently I was one of the few who knew how to skate :lol: And before that occasion I had never done it :lol: So many people dropped on the floor, it was amazing :p
It's not that easy :( I have about 3 different types of hair in my own head :hypno: Very curly in the front, almost like Slash, kinda straight but wavy in the top, and straight on the sides :u-huh:
It's not that easy :( I have about 3 different types of hair in my own head :hypno: Very curly in the front, almost like Slash, kinda straight but wavy in the top, and straight on the sides :u-huh:

We are sorry for the production fault in Noel 1.0, it can't be fixed, but you can add a cap to hide it.

Noel 2.0 coming out soon with special easter sale.

Following items in Noel 2.0: Reinforced steel cap.
I'm awesome at MSN drawing (this was a conversation about how University better not be shit.)

I can't install messenger 9 :mad: Everytime I try a message appears that it can't connect to g.live.com.

Anyway here's some drawings I made in messenger a while ago because a friend told me to replicate those emoticons in a bigger scale :)


I'm so proud of them :blush:
I drew a pretty good picture of Elijah Wood.


If you don't know what that's from then here ya go:
So I finally got a disposable camera with 8 months worth of random pics developed. Here's a taste:

Two buried treasures. Left- 80s (I believe) model Hohner Devil my dad found on the curb on trash day while driving. Can't find a similar new model anywhere. Solid body, as in one solid piece of wood, in flawless condition. All original hardware/pickups replaced/rusted... in need of a makeover. Hand painted white stripes, definitely not authentic. Right- Piece of shit beginner guitar my dad bought in a department store when he was about 10 back in the 60s/early 70s. He claims he got it for less than $40. Sounds and feel like shit, warped to hell, but still a novelty.

A funny drunk pic from last June.

Me and some loser back in September.

A trip to the pub in December... I'm actually much drunker than I look. I remember the wink was intentional.
