Own Pictures Thread

in any form :p lumps of gas and rock in space, do not affect your life any more than a bag of chips will, in fact, the chips will matter more in your life than they will.
A funny thing, is that a large amount of the people ive seen(around here in norway at least) that believe in Astrology and "practice it"(whatever that means), put down christianity and other religions as being retarded, whilst they pretty much pray to rocks and gas themselves. Surely there isn't a flaw in their logic
@ Muffin: first of all, astrology is closely related to astronomy (if you even know what that means), and yes - a bag of chips will affect you very fast!
anyway, astrology is NOT a religion dumbass, so no one prays to anyone or anything.
I can see your lack of knowledge is very huge (that's really sad), so let me poit something out - do you know what gravity is? do you know Earth has one and it's the reason why we don't fly into space?
@ Muffin: first of all, astrology is closely related to astronomy (if you even know what that means), and yes - a bag of chips will affect you very fast!
anyway, astrology is NOT a religion dumbass, so no one prays to anyone or anything.
I can see your lack of knowledge is very huge (that's really sad), so let me poit something out - do you know what gravity is? do you know Earth has one and it's the reason why we don't fly into space?

fyi, i'm largely interested in Astronomy, and considering taking a degree in it, and i read tonnes of books on it, a lot of it being Professor Stephen Hawkings work. Astrology is not a religion no, but a defenition of it, is "A pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon"

As much as you might like to think that Astrology is closely related to astronomy, you're very wrong. The only thing related is astrology use the name of what astronomy finds, and claims it affects life on a spiritual level(or some bullshit like that), that "if Jupiter and Mercury is on the sky at the same time, good luck will come your way".

I know what gravity is, i know what theories involve it, theories on black holes, their event horizon, the singularity within, the fabric of space, theories behind the mechanics of time, etc etc

So yes, i know what astronomy is you pretentious cock, now stick a sock in your face and play with your charts of planets and stars, maybe a meteor will crash down on your face and bring you "good luck"
fyi, i'm largely interested in Astronomy, and considering taking a degree in it, and i read tonnes of books on it, a lot of it being Professor Stephen Hawkings work. Astrology is not a religion no, but a defenition of it, is "A pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon"

As much as you might like to think that Astrology is closely related to astronomy, you're very wrong. The only thing related is astrology use the name of what astronomy finds, and claims it affects life on a spiritual level(or some bullshit like that), that "if Jupiter and Mercury is on the sky at the same time, good luck will come your way".

I know what gravity is, i know what theories involve it, theories on black holes, their event horizon, the singularity within, the fabric of space, theories behind the mechanics of time, etc etc

So yes, i know what astronomy is you pretentious cock, now stick a sock in your face and play with your charts of planets and stars, maybe a meteor will crash down on your face and bring you "good luck"

:lol: umm, yeah, I see you know a lot about everything. there's really no point in explaining "fire to a child", or in this case astrology to a redneck.

if you know so much about astrology and what it represents then why don't you tell me what are ephemerides and why are they used in astrology?
I'm not taking sides here or anything I just have a question, is astrology that thing that tells that if you're Virgo you act this way and if you're Leo you act this other way, and that Tauro and Capricorn or whatever are not compatible so they can't be a couple?
I'm not taking sides here or anything I just have a question, is astrology that thing that tells that if you're Virgo you act this way and if you're Leo you act this other way, and that Tauro and Capricorn or whatever are not compatible so they can't be a couple?

astrological birth charts show what potential you gain at the time of your birth. it's not just your sign that defines you, it's your ascendant and a lot of other aspects as well...

and yes, you can find out how compatible you are with other people, depending on the exact time and place of their birth.

p.s.- it's Taurus, not Tauro ;) and they are compatible with Capricorns XD
astrological birth charts show what potential you gain at the time of your birth. it's not just your sign that defines you, it's your ascendant and a lot of other aspects as well...

and yes, you can find out how compatible you are with other people, depending on the exact time and place of their birth.

p.s.- it's Taurus, not Tauro ;) and they are compatible with Capricorns XD

Ah thanks :p And I said taurus in spanish because I didn't know how it was called in english :)
:lol: umm, yeah, I see you know a lot about everything. there's really no point in explaining "fire to a child", or in this case astrology to a redneck.

if you know so much about astrology and what it represents then why don't you tell me what are ephemerides and why are they used in astrology?

Redneck :lol: A lot of them in norway for sure. I do like being lectured on astrology from a third world country "model", stumbling in english even after turning 20(assuming, as you look old enough), as if astrology actually is worth anything above religion, tarot cards, ghosts, trolls, or any other fantasy created to hide from the world.

I don't see why i should explain more about astrology, i don't see how any person with an IQ above a slice of butter in todays society can find it even remotely plausible.

You seem reluctant to actually prove astrology to be anythign but bullshit, but instead attack me and question my knowledge and calling me a redneck, and a dumbass. This is a very classic thing to do for religions and other things that have absolutely fuck all proof for what they talk about. Scientology are big advocates of this.

Astrology is nothing but fleety sentences with double meanings and failsafe statements about life, everything is tremendously vague and can mean whatever you want it to be, just like Tarot cards, just like Religious scripts.

Astronomy is a SCIENCE that gives proof of what they do in form of visual pictures, readings, calculations, theories are based upon this and constantly they try out the theories for what they are worth, to verify if they are correct. Astrology consist of nothing but bullshit, compared to that. it has no affect on life, and it never will.
and yes, you can find out how compatible you are with other people, depending on the exact time and place of their birth.XD

How on earth can't you NOT see how this sentence is filled with nothing but shit?

Humans invented the time we count, the interval of seconds that we have, we made up, the interval of days is based on how long the planet takes to revolve(and its slowly slowing down, meaning it was less millions of years ago, its not a fixed magical number, its momentum), and a year is how fucking long it takes for the earth to fuck around the bloody sun, its not related to anything outside of that, it became this way because of the dust that collected in our general area, if it collected abit further out, it would take the earth longer to complete one circle around the earth, and shorter if it was closer. How humans being born in this arbitrary(in perspective of anything outside human minds) system, does not constitute their personal traits.

Environment and how you're being raised, how people react to you and how everyone around you are, the collected knowledge of mankind, makes you who you are, not the time of your birth.

I have read several lists of traits for several birth signs, and its so full of vague, common, and contradicting statements, that i facepalm so hard my hand would grow stuck to my face, if i don't flush my mind with real stuff, like science.
Redneck :lol: A lot of them in norway for sure. I do like being lectured on astrology from a third world country "model", stumbling in english even after turning 20(assuming, as you look old enough), as if astrology actually is worth anything above religion, tarot cards, ghosts, trolls, or any other fantasy created to hide from the world.

I don't see why i should explain more about astrology, i don't see how any person with an IQ above a slice of butter in todays society can find it even remotely plausible.

You seem reluctant to actually prove astrology to be anythign but bullshit, but instead attack me and question my knowledge and calling me a redneck, and a dumbass. This is a very classic thing to do for religions and other things that have absolutely fuck all proof for what they talk about. Scientology are big advocates of this.

Astrology is nothing but fleety sentences with double meanings and failsafe statements about life, everything is tremendously vague and can mean whatever you want it to be, just like Tarot cards, just like Religious scripts.

Astronomy is a SCIENCE that gives proof of what they do in form of visual pictures, readings, calculations, theories are based upon this and constantly they try out the theories for what they are worth, to verify if they are correct. Astrology consist of nothing but bullshit, compared to that. it has no affect on life, and it never will.

I'm using words like "dumbass" and similar because it's the only language you understand. you're probably a Scorpio or a Leo, since there's no reasoning with you.

you still haven't proved your knowledge of astronomy since ephemerides are an astronomical data.
and btw, how exactly is your english better than mine, and what makes Croatia a third-world country? what are you, 16?
How on earth can't you NOT see how this sentence is filled with nothing but shit?

Humans invented the time we count, the interval of seconds that we have, we made up, the interval of days is based on how long the planet takes to revolve(and its slowly slowing down, meaning it was less millions of years ago, its not a fixed magical number, its momentum), and a year is how fucking long it takes for the earth to fuck around the bloody sun, its not related to anything outside of that, it became this way because of the dust that collected in our general area, if it collected abit further out, it would take the earth longer to complete one circle around the earth, and shorter if it was closer. How humans being born in this arbitrary(in perspective of anything outside human minds) system, does not constitute their personal traits.

Environment and how you're being raised, how people react to you and how everyone around you are, the collected knowledge of mankind, makes you who you are, not the time of your birth.

I have read several lists of traits for several birth signs, and its so full of vague, common, and contradicting statements, that i facepalm so hard my hand would grow stuck to my face, if i don't flush my mind with real stuff, like science.

You remind me of Randy Blythe on the Killadelphia DVD arguing with Willie's wife of why cheerleading was stupid :lol: I understand how you may feel, but you can't go through life calling everyone stupid for believing in something you don't, she hasn't even flamed you, have a little respect for others' beliefs and be tolerant :)



sorry, but insulting other forum members is not the topic either, and some are still doing it...

awesome pic btw! ;)
You remind me of Randy Blythe on the Killadelphia DVD arguing with Willie's wife of why cheerleading was stupid :lol: I understand how you may feel, but you can't go through life calling everyone stupid for believing in something you don't, she hasn't even flamed you, have a little respect for others' beliefs and be tolerant :)

now that's what I call inteligence ;)
(are you by any chance a Sagittarius, Pices or Virgo?)
I'm using words like "dumbass" and similar because it's the only language you understand. you're probably a Scorpio or a Leo, since there's no reasoning with you.

you still haven't proved your knowledge of astronomy since ephemerides are an astronomical data.
and btw, how exactly is your english better than mine, and what makes Croatia a third-world country? what are you, 16?

Why should i prove my knowledge of astronomy to you? That aside, i'm very confident i know way more about it than you know, if you did, you'd quickly dismiss your claims that astrology is a plausible science. I might have confused you with someone else, but i strongly recall you having several typical syntax errors for someone with lesser understanding of the english language. This is of no importance in the arguement anyways.
How does my age relate to calling your country third world? I'm 19 and your countrys BNP means shit to me, it was a simple insult, get offended by it or ignore it, i'm not gonna continue about it.

Now where should i start with my understanding of astronomy? Astrophysics was mentioned earlier through gravity, as astrophysics and quantum mechanics are things i really take an interest in, would you want me to elaboate on those subjects?

What in particular do you want to know about? Supernovae? Hyper? Wolf-rayet stars, gravitational collapse, or perhaps brown and white dwards? Neutron stars?
Or maybe i should go into quarks and how they have "spin" properties?

If you're serious, hit me up on a PM and i'll gladly prove to you that i know a fair deal about this(i'm not claiming to have complete understanding of every field of that, but i'm constantly reading about it)

You remind me of Randy Blythe on the Killadelphia DVD arguing with Willie's wife of why cheerleading was stupid :lol: I understand how you may feel, but you can't go through life calling everyone stupid for believing in something you don't, she hasn't even flamed you, have a little respect for others' beliefs and be tolerant :)

I don't, really, i respect almost anyones views on religion and people have the right to believe what they want, but calling me a dumbass and a redneck doesn't go by in my book as nice behaviour, and i respond as such. Keep assuming i'm not tollerant and disrespectful though, its pretty cool

edit: and just for the record, when i said bullshit in my first comment, i was teasing, the second explanation of how i look at astrology was not intended as a troll or attack, but a straight forward explanation of astrology not being astronomy, i cringe everytime i even feel that people think they're even closely related, they just arent. It's not related when one of the practices uses the others work, and the first don't even recognize the second as being true. If astronomy and astrology both were equally plausible, they'd be related. And they just arent, untill you show me hard facts that they are, and not just fancy guess work