Own Pictures Thread

well, I don't think they produce them anymore (otherwise they're rename to Jetta like in North America) but used they are sold for ca 13000 €

This be the original version of my april fool's joke.

i'd totaly rape her

Well today I went to a land that my fathers own, I won this case almost like a week ago, ( how much did it last ? it last like 1 year ), it was invaded by some people, but finally it came back to our hands. The place is a mess :S, at least they didn't dry out the well.


look awefuly hot. It was taken by Landless people? i don't know the name they have in mexico.
look awefuly hot. It was taken by Landless people? i don't know the name they have in mexico.

Mmmm not awefuky hot, it's hot but not that much :lol:, the temperature that day was around 27º C.

And yeah it was taken by that people, we call them paracaidistas, most of them come from super little towns.
creo que Chiapas tiene el mismo problema lo que hacemos, las grandes explotaciones con tierras improductivas, que son propiedad de los ricos?
Well, I haven't posted an image of myself in quite a while. This was taken last year. My friend, Michelle, and I were at another one of our friends houses. Syd, was doing face painting. I didn't really want to partake, but, Michelle did. Btw, I'm the one on the right.

creo que Chiapas tiene el mismo problema lo que hacemos, las grandes explotaciones con tierras improductivas, que son propiedad de los ricos?

Pues no es demasiado grande el terreno, son 5 hectáreas, algo así como 10,000.00 m2, pero pues es el pretexto decir que no tienen tierras y que ellos si la quieren trabajar.
Well, I haven't posted an image of myself in quite a while. This was taken last year. My friend, Michelle, and I were at another one of our friends houses. Syd, was doing face painting. I didn't really want to partake, but, Michelle did. Btw, I'm the one on the right.


This is why that pre-teen child made a thread for women.
I seriously though you were a 15-18 year old dude.