Own Pictures Thread

That´s been my experience, too. Worst pizza I ever had in my life was in Italy (best pizza´s self made anyway), but pasta was always win. We also had "real" Italian dishes like Ossobuco ´n stuff, but most of it ain´t my piece of cake. I prefer Asian food over all :)

Ossobuco is also a masterpiece of awesomeness if well done, but yeah, mostly i was referring to the endless variety of great pastas you can enjoy over there. Pure win. I never want to go to Italy for more than a week or I'll get so fat they won't let me into the plane :lol:

I survived thanx to cookies and ice cream:lol:
Ice cream is amazing there,i spent shitloads of money on ice cream.

Holy crap you must have been veeeeeeeery unlucky to have to rely on that to survive in Italy :lol:


Some pics I took of my work yesterday. Fucking awesome day.


It was for University students, so they were cool about us not being around during the event... even invited us to take part.

Which I so obviously declined :D


dirt shows up on pale white legs, reaally well : /