Own Pictures Thread

Spammers wil rule the world and this board :D

Just a friend of mine right now :(

I miss snowboarding a lot, too.. if Im unlucky I wont be able to go this year :(
Well.. the money will be well-spent for trips to see my GF, so I wont complain too loudly :p
Final_Product said:

menacing...and devoid of a recent shower :lol:
Is that a lightsaber? On the right corner :p

well....I can't snowboard, but I can coconut ride and sandboard :p is that good enough? :lol:
^I've been all over, but not so much in the last few years, sadly. All my holidays have been work related.

and FUCK yeah, it is a lightsaber :lol:
Final_Product said:
Where do all you european folks go snowboarding?

My ex.boyfriend works at a internet café on a skicenter in a place called Sälen here in Sweden. So I just take one week or so off and go up there and visit him. Free snowboarding, living and free booze! Saves a lot of money. Perfect :D