Own Pictures Thread

Happy new year folks. (a bit too late? what the heck)
I'm pretty bored atm, waiting for my bf to finish off from work, so I bothered him by taking pictures of us while he was playing some random game at kongregate.com x)

Lars is angree >: ( He lost b'cus of me :oops:

Try to look cute x)

:rolleyes: *giggles*
Holy shit :lol: The last comparison someone made was Robert fucking Pattinson. I MUCH prefer Robert Plant over that faggot :D
Oh, okay. I thought you were going to say something normal like "Oh it was raining outside", but instead I've inadvertedly revealed that you two showered together and then spontaneously decided to take pictures... Aight :erk:

Anyway that t-shirt is too big for you.
Well I wasn't going to say anything more than that, but anyways it actually was raining outside yesterday though for a brief period of time... which seems rare for Melbourne. I just like taking pictures of shit whenever I feel like it anyways.