Own Pictures Thread

dilema1362 said:
they may soon have more weapons than the US, but as far as for their weapons quality, efficiency in combat and lethality, the US will never be surpassed.

i point to the historical example of the american revolution. britain had far more troops than the US, but because of our ingenuity in battle...well...you know the outcome.

all im saying is size and resources arent always the deciding factor.

Wow, you beat England...

That's the equivilant of stealing a ginger spac's lunch money...
dilema1362 said:
in the late 1700's it was very impressive.

hell, they still own you....dont they :D

As far as i'm aware.... we send huge numbers of soldiers into iraq and afghanistan...

Yet it's london that receives the terrorist blowback...

So in terms of them owning us... we're in a good fucking place.
Dude...im not talking about china invading the US. Im talking about them kicking your ass as the dominant country on the world stage.

Plus..england own shit.
ok...heres my problem with china being a super power on the world stage economically. China would be NOTHING without Japan and its technology. not to mention that US companys still outsource their labor to china because its cheap as sin to produce it over there. that doesnt say much for their economy, now does it?
^ Hiroshima and Nagasaki

But they will do, maybe they will not get involve into a war, but they have a very strong echonomy dude :D, there are others smooths ways to take the control over the world !!!
Well, arguably they benefited. We all felt so guilty about bombing the shit outta them that we plugged so much into the country the became the technology capital of the world. And also a bunch of complete idiots.