Own Pictures Thread

I already know she can :/
Mainly because I'm weak :(

btw your girlfriend is in a chubby-thread on /fit/ :p


I've seen her pop up a few times on 4chan.

I'd already heard about this the last 3 times someone re-linked that picture lol, but that's cool.

:edit: Pic 404'd me though :/

Edit: and wtf your arms are like insect legs, why are you judging people's arm size :lol:

And yeah, pretty much :p I eat more than anyone I know and gain no weight :/
I used to work out daily for awhile, and I was in pretty good shape for a bit. I was never built or anything like that, just a steady healthy size. In between school, work, and trying to find time to hangout with people working out kind of loses its priority :/