Own Pictures Thread

A wakizashi is not a ninja sword.

I didn't say it was.

A typical ninjatō would more likely have been a wakizashi short sword fitted with a katana-length handle and placed in a katana-length saya (scabbard); another source for such a sword would be broken blades left upon a battlefield.

Her sig says 'broken blade' which a wakizashi is not.

swned lol.

Weak and shit quality steel. Thats asian weaponry for you.

Now or back then and what part of Asia?

How did the steel compare with steel from other countries back then?

I guess it explains the broken blades but they were very thin in comparison to a broad sword for example.

Keep in mind what the weaponry was used for, who made it, who could afford to pay what for it, etc.

The Asians can produce some good quality steel these days, the company I work for buys a lot of it. Asians do produce cheap and nasty stuff to cater for those that only need/can afford cheap steel but if you want quality they will make it, you pay them extra for it and have a quality control guy inspect it to make sure it's made to specification.

Asians back in feudal japan had shit-tier quality steel. Like reaally awful quality compared to the europeans. Theres a reason they had to "fold it a million times" as the legend goes. They didnt fold the steel to make it superior, they did it so that it could even come close to the quality of German steel(it never did).

Thin, fragile blades. Great for cutting flesh, but nothing else.

Edit: who cares about swords anyways, guns are where its at today

Pic related, depicting a piece of steel that does what silly swords cannot into(range)

Asians back in feudal japan had shit-tier quality steel. Like reaally awful quality compared to the europeans. Theres a reason they had to "fold it a million times" as the legend goes. They didnt fold the steel to make it superior, they did it so that it could even come close to the quality of German steel(it never did).

Thin, fragile blades. Great for cutting flesh, but nothing else.

ahh those were the days
Yeah this guy was gay enough I had to take a picture of him.

I mean, its funny if you're rich or get one for cheap, and you're drunk with your buddies around....but this was like 1pm and the guy was all alone.
Asians back in feudal japan had shit-tier quality steel. Like reaally awful quality compared to the europeans. Theres a reason they had to "fold it a million times" as the legend goes. They didnt fold the steel to make it superior, they did it so that it could even come close to the quality of German steel(it never did).

Thin, fragile blades. Great for cutting flesh, but nothing else.

They're not as clumsy or random as a blaster though. Elegant weapons... for a more civilized age.
Edit: who cares about swords anyways, guns are where its at today

Invented by the Chinese right?

Chinese steel is still pretty shitty :/

It used to be but these days they can make quality as long as you pay extra for it and even then it's still cheapest on the market but they're wising up and slowly increasing their prices.

Their cheap quality goods catered for their poorer countrymen who couldn't afford quality.

Think about it, a billion strong population that can't afford expensive western goods? You make a cheaper product then sell it to a billion people - who's smart then?

Similar to Fender guitars, they had a good product but found cheaper guitar companies were making loads of money that they were missing out on. To cater for poorer strat fans they released Squier guitars, made by Fender out of cheaper quality woods, hardware but made to Fender specs. By branding it Squier, it didn't tarnish the Fender name.

I know of some pump companies that still carry their name brand and have a factory in both Germany and India. The Indian product is much cheaper but just as good as it's made to German specs. Many big name companies have set up factories in China and India.

Where are you Nike shoes made?

I know of some pump companies that still carry their name brand and have a factory in both Germany and India. The Indian product is much cheaper but just as good as it's made to German specs. Many big name companies have set up factories in China and India.

Where are you Nike shoes made?


I heard about quality issues of the stuff that comes from those factories which produce/sell stuff cheaper because the quality checks arent as good as in more expensive producing factories.
I'm not saying that all those factories suck but whatever I dont have to motivation to type anyhting else.
I heard about quality issues of the stuff that comes from those factories which produce/sell stuff cheaper because the quality checks arent as good.

You're right, quality control is where it's at. German factories in poorer countries usually ensure quality checks if they have the same warranties.

Cheaper quality products are intentionally made to compete price-wise with high quality products.

Our hardware supermarkets have both cheap and expensive products, if you're a painter and use a brush every day you want a good quality one to last. If you want a paint brush for a one off you buy a cheap Chinese one that'll do the job once then throw it away.

I can't believe the crap in those $2 shops or the stupid people that buy the stuff, you just know it'll break the moment you take it out of the box,
