Own Pictures Thread

Taken yesterday. I didn't brush my teeth, I didn't have time, so my teeth are all gross and stuff. These pictures are probably huge as hell and I'm too lazy to resize them.


Keri and me.

Me pushing my Mom.


Kuvasz said:
Haha, Kuba, my fav polskie! Fernanda`s back without wig! How are you doin`? My ICQ died some time ago, just like all the ICQ numbers in Brazil, at least.
I`ve got msn (forthyeshadow@hotmail.com), may it be?

Miss your insane talk. Kisses

ok as soon as Ill see you up on msn Ill write ya :tickled: btw nice hot pics :p remember you never showed me your pic, but dont remember why :D
follow_the_reaper said:
Would you smile if someone was taking a picture of you surrounded by a bunch of trees and forest stuff? Uh...talk about boring. I wouldn't smile. It looks llike they're lost in the woods, and some person just happened to take a picture of them while they were talking about finding a way out.
that was an internal joke :p