Own Pictures Thread

Bull. I owned a limp bizkit cd when i was a kid, the pretence that everyone here got into metal through Bathory or Cannibal corpse or someshit is complete lies.
ok time to come clean, i fliched on to a music channal and sum-41 was on and i was this is alright, carnt remember what song it was but it had that "pain for" somthing or other and that is how i got into metal, soon after i found power metal and lived in a happy land free of orks
i never liked korn (basically because i never knew about them) but i liked limp bizkit when i was a kid and then went thru this classic rock stage, found iron maiden and then went off on metal
I'm so proud of my cornrows :oops:
So here's one when they were still brand new. Now they are starting to look rotten and to fall apart. Soon they'll be dreadlocks.


Yeah, I was posing :loco:
As of September 23rd, 2005, 12:53 AM
are u still rockin the dreads gavin? :D
-Gavin- said:
for six years now.
As of December 29th, 2005, 06:39 PM
Missiles said:
Did you use to listen to Korn?
-Gavin- said:
when i was like 12 :lol:
As of....no idea. My first math classes though :D
BloodyScalpel said:


Just thought I should bring this up :p

btw, I started with iron maiden and then moved on. I've always hated radio music, when I was like 12 I thought I didn't like any music at all.
When I was a little kid I liked classical, but I got bored, and for like 4-6 years I hated any sound that was arranged like a melody