Own Pictures Thread

PanzerKunt said:
Haha no, it was just before I joined the army, I weighed about 55 kilos.

did you want to starve to death instead of joining the army or what was the reason? :loco:
PanzerKunt said:
my nose > all your noses

this pic is from when i weighed aproximately nothing


woah. i found the word "skinny"s meaning. you were anorexic or what?
i have the same problem since i can remember
my height is 1.87~ and i never got more then 65kg now days about 59-60kg
its 20kg~ less then i supposed weight according to my height, and i feel fine, i cant say that i am weak either
yep you are
heh nice, sonic the hedgehog in the background i used to play this game years ago... :)