Own Pictures Thread

Missery said:
the guy's asking for BOOBIES! where's the titties-thread anyways?
since you ask, and since you've marvelled so much with the guys in this thread lately, how about you give a little back and post your funbags ^__^ we promise not to hold raistlin's jugs too high against yours.
though it'll be tough to beat them i reckon.
EagleFlyFree said:
since you ask, and since you've marvelled so much with the guys in this thread lately, how about you give a little back and post your funbags ^__^ we promise not to hold raistlin's jugs too high against yours.
though it'll be tough to beat them i reckon.

sorry to disappoint you but since I don't have a digicam nor a webcam I can't, even if i would want to, post any boob-pics of mine. plus i don't want to either even if i could ;)
Thorns On My Grave said:
That's cool Missery... but you have some nonboobed pictures?

well since i'm a picture whore there exist way too many pics of myself. and i've already posted plenty of them on UM, so I better hold myself back :p. plus there's nothing special bout me anyways, heh.
EagleFlyFree said:
of course, why else would you post so many pics as you say. BOO to you :(

to push my self esteem a bit and because I'm an attention whore as well. see, it's pretty ambivalent with me : I don't like my outer appearance but then again i don't care. and i loooove :kickass: and:headbang: and :lol: and :zombie: pics, that's why.
Since this IS a picture thread, I am posting them as I find them

More bro pics

Bein' a gangsta

Photo editing for a band photo (I stretched it too much vertically but itz all good)

I had an eyebrow piercing at the time!!!
Missery said:
to push my self esteem a bit

i wonder if that's actually what i meant.

o ya, it is!

while on the topic, want attention? post your boobs :loco: no camera available is a shitty excuse in this day and age, to be honest
and since you HAD to remind us at the end of your sentence that even if you had a camera you wouldn't post them, well i have to wonder if you could forget about that point just as you thought we would forget if you wouldn't have clarified ^__^

ps: your boobs