Own Pictures Thread

Tomma said:
But look around here, there's tonnes of girls who think that alexi laiho is super-de-dooperly hot so give them the same flag for it if it's such a big deal to you.

if you had read the "rules" of this off topic, you would seen that "we" hate also the girls that "like" bodom, cuz alexi is hawt...

Tomma said:
But I like linkin park's music, so what? If you see my introductory thread, i state that I am not confined to 'metal'.
Guess what? I like some dance music........!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i know. I should die, right? not. It's only music, don't get your panties in a twist! I wouldn't slag your music so why would your waste your time doing that with me?

Kind of silly isn't it? =)

who are you? you got rapped by a metalheadz, i bet
cool pictures
we took stupid pics at a party :p

anyways i merely meant that all the latinas ive ever met have either been fucking crazy, looked like Jennifer Lopez, except about 10 inches wider, or have been a fugly mestizo... DONDE ESTAN LAS CHICAS DE ESPAñA?!?!??!?!?!?!?