Own Pictures Thread

Not really, but Tomma is, and she drives me mad with it! I still love her though =P

But still, what's wrong with Linkin Park? Not hairy enough? Or is it because they're mainstream? Seriously, it was like this in high school. =|
Here are two pics of


1. me and my boyfriend ^^

2. me and my boyfriend and his cousins at a videogame event,
from left to right, James, me, George, and Paco ^^
Plankcore said:
Not really, but Tomma is, and she drives me mad with it! I still love her though =P

But still, what's wrong with Linkin Park? Not hairy enough? Or is it because they're mainstream? Seriously, it was like this in high school. =|

i don't respect "music" made for lil 15 years old girls to like, cuz the guys are cute.

in another words: simple music, made for be popular and make money over
Vikk Cavanagh said:
i don't respect "music" made for lil 15 years old girls to like, cuz the guys are cute.

in another words: simple music, made for be popular and make money over

Linkin Park aren't like that at all, in my opinion. I don't think you really know exactly what you're talking about. There are plenty of bands like that, but I honestly don't think Linkin Park have went out there intentionally trying to milk money out of stupid kids. I think they've just been given that image because of their popularity.
Plankcore said:
Linkin Park aren't like that at all, in my opinion. I don't think you really know exactly what you're talking about. There are plenty of bands like that, but I honestly don't think Linkin Park have went out there intentionally trying to milk money out of stupid kids. I think they've just been given that image because of their popularity.

i don't mind a band been popular, if a band is good, they deserve it...

what i mind, is bands that make pop music, not for the music itself, but cuz to be famous, and those bands, are mostly prettly week about composition, and their sound in general
Linkin Park were probably one of the first bands with that kind of style who became big though. I actually don't mind Linkin Park (I like the ambient kind of style they use along with the not-so-amazing stuff =P) but there are so many bands *like* that that are just horrible because their goal is fame, not just making music they enjoy.

So yeah, I agree with ya, but I just don't think Linkin Park are one of those bands.
Vikk Cavanagh said:
i don't respect "music" made for lil 15 years old girls to like, cuz the guys are cute.

in another words: simple music, made for be popular and make money over

Yeah, to be honest alot of Linkin Park's fans only like them because they THINK DAT CHESTA & MIEK R LIEK, TOTALLY HAWTZORS. etc. and that's one of the main reasons that I stopped visiting their forums and whatnot. But look around here, there's tonnes of girls who think that alexi laiho is super-de-dooperly hot so give them the same flag for it if it's such a big deal to you.

But I like linkin park's music, so what? If you see my introductory thread, i state that I am not confined to 'metal'.
Guess what? I like some dance music........!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i know. I should die, right? not. It's only music, don't get your panties in a twist! I wouldn't slag your music so why would your waste your time doing that with me?


Kind of silly isn't it? =)