Own Pictures Thread

> hes from montreal hes not a real canadian. fucking french posers.

Hey fuck you i was born in Ottawa. Yes my native language is french, but at least i'm an anti-sepaRacist. And yes i acknowledge the fact that most idiots in this shitty province spit on the rest of Canada despite the respect they're shown.

> let's put it like this
> delt likes black chicks so much that if michael jackson was still black, he would wish he was a 10 yo
> :lol: :p

me or him? :confused: :loco:

nah, that wouldn't count cause he'd still be male :Spin:
did I ever post a pic? :confused: hm well here here you got some


HAHA iv got a netherlands passport !!! im gona go bangbus that ilse while she is high on the legal green leaf of heaven, hehehe and yes now i know what u look like
delt said:
^ that made sense..... ?? :confused:

> oh yeah, i forgot that it was his nose that was falling down, not his wang :p

haha yeah, huge difference (at least 3mm) :tickled:
hes saying he wants to track down and bang ilse.

oh, and no offence. its just in my nature as an asshole to hate things from quebec. which makes me quite prejudice but whatever, its not that sincere.
> oh, and no offence. its just in my nature as an asshole to hate things from quebec.
> which makes me quite prejudice but whatever, its not that sincere.

This place absolutely stinks from "i'm better than you because i speak french" arrogance. A few years ago i was away for a month in south america, and when i came back here, as soon as i was in a plane with other french speaking people the arrogant stench of this shitty society came to me like someone had let a fucking deadly one rip right in front of my nose.

As a canadian french, even one from Ontario, i find the attitude of quebecers simply degrading and insulting.
Heavenscent said:
Some semi-French girl once told me that many Frenc strongly dislike Canadian people for being Canadian and filthy lingo-rapists
id say the hate lies more towards french speaking quebec people. and its true. they absolutely destroyed the language.