Own Pictures Thread

:lol: :lol: Don't feel bad for me, seriously. Save your pity for someone who really needs it..... like you :). And btw just cause your entire family is incest doesn't mean everyone else is a product of that lifestyle.

P.S. Post a pic btw, kthx :Smug: Cause eventhough I'm ugly I'm sure I look like Christian Slater compared to you. Yer prolly jealous of me anyhow, later chubbz.:lol:

Check out this thread

lol, duelly noted. I'm not pissed though. I'm actually laughing at his obesity-induced jealousy. It's not my fault he has a brush cut and chip crumbs all over him. He is too ugly and afraid to post a picture. I bet he just wants my hair... and prolly my pen15 too. :erk:

:lol: :lol:

my hair pwns urs.


my hair pwns urs.


Well, not that I care, or want to sound ghey, cause this is the dumbest argument ever in the history of this forum.... but my hair so pwns yers. It's longer, and all around just better. Sorry to say.

P.S. Is this really you? I mean, anyone can just pull off random pics from the net. I'm not accusing you of doing that, I'm just gonna need more pictures than that to convince me it's really you. Like one more will do.
Well, not that I care, or want to sound ghey, cause this is the dumbest argument ever in the history of this forum.... but my hair so pwns yers. It's longer, and all around just better. Sorry to say.

P.S. Is this really you? I mean, anyone can just pull off random pics from the net. I'm not accusing you of doing that, I'm just gonna need more pictures than that to convince me it's really you. Like one more will do.

lol dude ur hair isnt longer than mine. mine goes to my ass.. those photos dont caputre the whole thing.

much longer and awesome than your hair
and yes it is me. i have a camera phone so i dont have good quality photo's... and i dont have the cord to upload the photos anymore so i dont have many photos.

but yea it is me... look at the lips.. skinny top lip big bottom lip. u can see it in my avatar also.