Own Pictures Thread

Ustrel said:
Here is my new guitar!!! A Kelly Jackson Professional!!


yeah it's sweet hehehe
w00t :headbang:

ps: please, practice your ass off so i can say i know a hot chick who can outshred any guy :D
^i'm trying!
I already know that i can out shred at least 9 guys (and acknowledged by) haha

and yes, i'm 5'8
the fact that cris actually looks way better than that in real life is almost a concept impossible to understand :p

and yay for perfecterror :headbang:
you're one of the very very few blond women that get to escape my "i don't really like blondes that much" category :D
Tut Ankh Amon said:
the fact that cris actually looks way better than that in real life is almost a concept impossible to understand :p
Well, my imagination is a very powerful tool that helps me to understand such things :) And I also prefer casual looking girls than painted dolls, although delicate make up can do lots of good ;)
Cristina and Claire are ...... um... how can i put this.... fukkin hot!!!! :loco: :Spin:

Claire: cool guitar! what bridge does it have, is that an OFR?? from the pics it looks like one... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: now all you have to do is swap out the neck for a DK2 neck so it will have fretboard & head bindings, and sharkies instead of those boring dots :D
Delt: The bridge is jackson floyd rose. (not a copy a real one lol)

I changed the pickups from "Jackson" pickups to seymour ducans. The fret pick up is a vintage SD and the bridge is a trembucker SD. They sound fucking awesome!!

I personally like the dots! lol maybe i'm boring
Tut Ankh Amon said:
the fact that cris actually looks way better than that in real life is almost a concept impossible to understand :p

and yay for perfecterror :headbang:
you're one of the very very few blond women that get to escape my "i don't really like blondes that much" category :D
that means a lot tut... i am the only blond i like too. :tickled: