Own Pictures Thread

when i entered the guitar shop few days ago, some dude looked at me and was quite amazed that not metalica or sumting more brilliand tshirt wearing guy with short hair can play a guitar :)
Beka said:
Whoa...sorry...these are huge...
hell yes they are :loco: no need to apologize though, i'm sure you'll find someone that'll love them.

no i'm not offering, and please don't come to down to begging :loco:

and kuvzarasa's boyfriend does look like kiko indeed. i bet he can't shred for shit though :p
Ok, let me rephrase that.

But first...let me just say I don't wear Abercrombie and Fitch...or none of that stuff. I refuuuuuuse to waste my money on clothes. 90 fucking dollars for a pair of jeans is more than absurd to me...I guess you can call me cheap. If I got it for free...hell...I'd wear it...I didn't pay for it.

I didn't mean metalhead dress like idiots in general...HOWEVER... I do find the idea quite close minded, that just because I listen to metal...I couldn't possibly dress nicely (or, what I call nice...it's all a matter of opinion, really)
What I do believe (as far as clothing goes) is idiotic...is when girls that are actually attractive and pretty...hide themselves under ridiculous make-up, baggy clothes, and...everything of the sort...but, mostly you find that whitin the whole goth and nu-metal scene, and thankfully not death, black, and thrash.

Now, I'm a fan of black metal...really big fan...however, I do believe you've got to have a sense of humor to enjoy it thoroughly. I mean, while the music is more than often amazing... c'mon...corpse paint?...or...what Immortal would call war paint? I find it funny...as most people find everything Immortal to be funny...yet the music ...is ....well...you can't fuck with it.

Anyway, sorry if I offended anyone. Really didn't mean to. I just ...have a very big mouth, and not a great way with words.

Eh... I usually go for the "metalhead-ish" guys...jeans, a metal shirt, and some shoes. So.....I guess I'm a hypocritical piece of shit. Well, I go for the guys who listen to the same music as I...and more than most of the time...they fall under that "stereotype."

BTW...some of the bands I listen to: Bloodbath, At The Gates,Hypocrisy, Diabolical Masquerade, Katatonia, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Decapitated, Vader, Cryhavoc, Diablo, Rotten Sound, Kalmah Down My Throat, Norther, Ensiferum, Ajattara, Wintersun, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Emperor, Enslavement Of Beauty, Old Man's Child, Arcturus, Immortal and so on.......so.....there's the idea.
Beka said:
Ok, let me rephrase that.

But first...let me just say I don't wear Abercrombie and Fitch...or none of that stuff. I refuuuuuuse to waste my money on clothes. 90 fucking dollars for a pair of jeans is more than absurd to me...I guess you can call me cheap. If I got it for free...hell...I'd wear it...I didn't pay for it.

I didn't mean metalhead dress like idiots in general...HOWEVER... I do find the idea quite close minded, that just because I listen to metal...I couldn't possibly dress nicely (or, what I call nice...it's all a matter of opinion, really)
What I do believe (as far as clothing goes) is idiotic...is when girls that are actually attractive and pretty...hide themselves under ridiculous make-up, baggy clothes, and...everything of the sort...but, mostly you find that whitin the whole goth and nu-metal scene, and thankfully not death, black, and thrash.

Now, I'm a fan of black metal...really big fan...however, I do believe you've got to have a sense of humor to enjoy it thoroughly. I mean, while the music is more than often amazing... c'mon...corpse paint?...or...what Immortal would call war paint? I find it funny...as most people find everything Immortal to be funny...yet the music ...is ....well...you can't fuck with it.

Anyway, sorry if I offended anyone. Really didn't mean to. I just ...have a very big mouth, and not a great way with words.

Eh... I usually go for the "metalhead-ish" guys...jeans, a metal shirt, and some shoes. So.....I guess I'm a hypocritical piece of shit. Well, I go for the guys who listen to the same music as I...and more than most of the time...they fall under that "stereotype."

BTW...some of the bands I listen to: Bloodbath, At The Gates,Hypocrisy, Diabolical Masquerade, Katatonia, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Decapitated, Vader, Cryhavoc, Diablo, Rotten Sound, Kalmah Down My Throat, Norther, Ensiferum, Ajattara, Wintersun, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Emperor, Enslavement Of Beauty, Old Man's Child, Arcturus, Immortal and so on.......so.....there's the idea.

i love you.
Beka said:


'Tis me :)

again the unwritten UM rule:p
here's a pic from me and Bodomite here at brazil, hanging some booze (i'm the Heineken guy...okay, u must know Bodomite's face already)
