Own Pictures Thread

Raistlin Majere said:
you dont have enough of estrogene for commenting on his looks:p
the look you say huh?
*scrolls back*

well. yeah he looks like male in his 20's not ugly long hair
looks normal to me :p
Tut Ankh Amon said:
@thorns: dude you suck. I was totally ruling the "i love kids and play drums" thing to get some ass around here, and then you came and ruined it.

You suck.

:lol: j/k, nice drumkit man! :headbang:

Hah hah... thanks for the compliments everyone.

The drum kit has some sweet hardware, most of it is Pearl, some nice Zildgian cymbals and a couple Wuhans... the snare is shit and the shells are okay... but it works quite well.. I'm very close to my next kit, a 6-piece Tama Star Classic with DW hardware... just a LITTLE longer heh