Own Pictures

Big night the other week here in Oz at and after an EVERGREY/TRANSCENDING MORTALITY show..
Lots of drinking , lots of Metal and lots more drinking!hahaha...
Playing air guitar whilst drinking.


Then as night turned eventually to day my friends and i had lost a great deal of sanity and strange things were beginning to unfold.


Oh the humility.:lol: :lol:
Big night the other week here in Oz at and after an EVERGREY/TRANSCENDING MORTALITY show..
Lots of drinking , lots of Metal and lots more drinking!hahaha...
Playing air guitar whilst drinking.]

Lots of drinking with Evergrey? Now there's a shocker LOL. I see you survived. Congrats.
I give my vote to the hedge, I think it won the fight. By the looks of it, you didn't emerge straight away from that badboy :lol:
Being honest...

I went into that hedge...and I fell right over. But I managed to still hold on to my Cola and my handbag!!! LOL! The guy with the camera just happened to get that picture at the right time!!! Haha! He had to pull me out the hedge. Total embarrassment >.<

The irony is that that window in the background is actually the house where I wanted to be. So I have to look out the window and see that hedge and remember everytime I'm there! lol!

Hedge won :(

xx Kirsty
OOOH!!! Here's some more drunk pictures for you to enjoy :)

These were taken the same night as the hedge incident:

I passed out on the bar...


But not before I rocked to The Final Countdown with a blow up guitar!!!


Or wore a Darth Vader helmet...


There were many stupid poses aswell!




One more!!! Go on!!! This was me at like...9pm O_O Can you tell we'd been in since 4pm!?


There's more but I don't want to TOTALLY hijack this thread and make it the 'Show Yourselves Out Your Tree Pissed' Thread :p

EDIT: I SO hope Firewind NEVER see this...

xx Kirsty
Bwaha I'm so good. That hedge looked badass... Then again, you did say you were pretty pissed so... Nah whatever.

I could post some drunk pictures of mine too but... I think that there will be enough incriminating evidence in Copenhagen so I'll just leave it at that.

Kirsty, you look like a fun drunk that goes on a giggly rampage hahaha

Oh and... If Firewind ever saw those pics... Well that would be pretty funny too :lol:
Bwaha I'm so good. That hedge looked badass... Then again, you did say you were pretty pissed so... Nah whatever.

I could post some drunk pictures of mine too but... I think that there will be enough incriminating evidence in Copenhagen so I'll just leave it at that.

Kirsty, you look like a fun drunk that goes on a giggly rampage hahaha

Oh and... If Firewind ever saw those pics... Well that would be pretty funny too :lol:

LOL!!! :lol: I am the BEST drunk ever. Not one of those "Oh...I'm drunk...I think I might think about my life and cry".

I'm more of a "Oh...I'm drunk...I'm gunna forget all my problems and just act like a total dick and have fun" ^_^

I swear to God...it would just NOT be funny if Firewind saw those pictures...

Spike...me, you...Copenhagen. PISSED. Fighting with hedges. Two of us can beat it surely... :p

xx Kirsty
LOL!!! :lol: I am the BEST drunk ever. Not one of those "Oh...I'm drunk...I think I might think about my life and cry".

I'm more of a "Oh...I'm drunk...I'm gunna forget all my problems and just act like a total dick and have fun" ^_^

I swear to God...it would just NOT be funny if Firewind saw those pictures...

Spike...me, you...Copenhagen. PISSED. Fighting with hedges. Two of us can beat it surely... :p

xx Kirsty

No no dear, no hedges... There's something way more fun in Denmark... LEGOLAAAAND :lol: I'll be expecting them to throw us out after we crash into the lego made Wall of China, which is wayyy tougher than a hedge :lol:
lol, usually when I drink, I get totally hammered and cant even stand up...I just sit somewhere till I start throwing up XD

anyways, here's a new pic
