Own Recordings


I may deserve this
Aug 21, 2005
Ann Arbor
Here you can post any recordings of yourself, singing, playing guitar, keyboard, whatever.

Ill start with a recording I did of Silent Night Bodom Night :D

I used Cubase and a drum machine for the drums, the keys didn't work for this one so it's just guitar and drums, but I think it came out ok...


Please feel free to give me any feedback!

Im llooking forward to seeing some posts from the guitar wizards on this board! Any other wizards too.
i'll just copy and paste from a message i sent to a dude who's looking to start a band locally

http://www.elysian-online.com/Dec12thRiff.mp3 this is an idea i've been working on lately, i really like how its come along so far, but i'm pretty much stuck at this point right now, not sure where to go with it ie lead wise...

this is a cover of jim croce's time in a bottle i did, with me on vocals, as well as all guitars

heres another riff i did, with an odd time sig part in the first riff, i really like this one.


this is one i wrote a while back, i'm on a site called musicianwar.com and i post there regularly, and there was a kid who was talking smack on my playing, so i just did a kind of all out tune to shut him up... beat the shit out of him with it too...

and of course, theres always my myspace, www.myspace.com/AdamBath
Awsome! I've been messing around with the program for awhile, your guide looks really helpful. Thanks Alot!!

Those riffs you posted are pretty cool, I always was interested in trying that Musicianwar thing, but it costs money and I'm poor as hell. :zombie:
enjoi17 said:
Here you can post any recordings of yourself, singing, playing guitar, keyboard, whatever.

Ill start with a recording I did of Silent Night Bodom Night :D

I used Cubase and a drum machine for the drums, the keys didn't work for this one so it's just guitar and drums, but I think it came out ok...


Please feel free to give me any feedback!

Im llooking forward to seeing some posts from the guitar wizards on this board! Any other wizards too.

sounds good!! Im also learning cubase heh.
Keep your work on ;)