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You will amount to nothing in life and I'm glad I live nowhere near you despite desperately wanting to read your obituary in the newspaper. er scratch that - people have to love and miss you for you to have an obituary. I'm not the one with parents who hate me - I'm the one with a roof over my fucking head and just got shitfaced with all his childhood friends to celebrate the first day of summer. this is officially the day I resign from off-topic and will never have to read your posts again because of that.

Good, go get hit by a bus.

I have more talent in one finger than you ever will, so nothing you say really bothers me, I actually enjoy participating in these bitch-fights with you, it's comical at best :lol:. I know I can always expect you to chime in whenever I say something controversial, it's like the Fat-signal in the sky. I'm Commissioner Gordon.
Good, go get hit by a bus.

I have more talent in one finger than you ever will, so nothing you say really bothers me, I actually enjoy participating in these bitch-fights with you, it's comical at best :lol:

hmm... usually people who spend time on the street get hit by busses - not sure that applies to me as much as it does to you?

talent means jack shit if your personality and mindset leaves you homeless.

i really respect you as a guitarist, but you lack the social skills and common sense to ever make it anywhere with that talent.

you laugh at all this, but I really want to talk to you when you're 30.

*edit fuck im breaking my own rules. do need to stay away from the forum drunk ahhaha.
hmm... usually people who spend time on the street get hit by busses - not sure that applies to me as much as it does to you?

talent means jack shit if your personality and mindset leaves you homeless.

i really respect you as a guitarist, but you lack the social skills and common sense to ever make it anywhere with that talent.

you laugh at all this, but I really want to talk to you when you're 30.

*edit fuck im breaking my own rules. do need to stay away from the forum drunk ahhaha.

*clap* (underline) that was actually pretty good :lol: touché.

Once you realize that every single argument we ever have isn't NEARLY as serious to me as it is you, you'll start to understand where I come from with all of this.

Some people live off of arguing, some sit back and laugh their FUCKING ass off at the people wasting so much time and effort on such bullshittery. Y'know, you have a much shorter life-expectancy if you're angry all the damned time.

SneapForum needs to be in-person so whenever there's a difference between two, we can just settle it in a good ol' fashioned fuckin' bar-brawl :heh:
My god BOTH OF YOU, shut the fuck up. If singular cells could have arguments I'm sure they'd be more inteligent than this.
My god Jesse, shut the fuck up. If singular cells could have arguments I'm sure they'd be more inteligent than this.

It was over before you said that, dipshit.

You haven't gotten the point of this whole thread yet?
I'll just wait until someone does..


The point is that it's WAY too easy to troll us. Gotta let shit go and have a fuckin' laugh/some fun.

EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. THREAD. That's posted these days always ends up in some sort of gigantic argument of some sort. I KNOW for a fact a lot of you guys will wholeheartedly agree with me that this shit needs to stop. Any argument not on-topic, and relating to the OP should be thrown to the trash, shot, and burned with gasoline quite vigorously. No Jeff, I'm not referring to you. Chill. :lol:
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