Ozzfest Reunion?


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
After reading Billy´s thread on Milano board, I saw it at the SODMOD fansite-Sharon Osbourne told Anthrax they could play Ozzfest only in the Joey and Dan lineup-hence the reunion.
So it´s really true I guess-Anthrax is going to sell their asses out. The condition itself doesn´t make any sense to me. Anthrax would crush everyone´s ass at Ozzfest stage, in CURRENT lineup. Making nostalgia acts with Joey´s cheesy and weak falsetto would be just silly and funny. Don´t remember to wear spandex and bulletbelts while you´re at it.
I hope there is still a way to reconsider the offer which is just plain stupid.

Ozzfest sucks and Sharon is a greedy bitch, Randy Rhoads´and Castillo´s ghosts should haunt her on a nightly basis.
If Bush isnt there it wont be as good. Besides this sounds more like internet rumors to me.. Till you here it directly from the Chief or Mr. Wu don't believe it.
Isn't the whole point of playing to a gigantic Ozzfest crowd to make a GOOD impression? I'm sorry but with Cheeseball Primadonna on vocals, people are going to CRINGE. He was never amazing to begin with...and then add 12 years to his age, and it's going to be fucking awful. It won't be worth it in the longrun for Anthrax to do that.
ok guys, stop and think really hard about this for a minute. dan spitz hates scott because he's a bornagain christian fanatic and scott's a hard core atheist. none of the guys want joey because his voice can't do anything for their sound, and frank is buys with his own thing and isn't interested in anthrax right now. so the chances of it happeneing are REALLY slim. now i can understand why sharon would make that proposal. she's a money whore and a reunited anthrad would sell tickets. she's already learned that reunited acts like judas priest and blak sabbath are very popular and make money. so i can completely understand her train of thought. it may suck, but it makes sense.

now i could also understand if the guys did get back together to do ozzfest. if someone offered me a huge sum of money to hang out with some people i used to be friends with even if i didn't really like them i'd do it. money's a very powerful thing. don't get me wrong. i still have a lot of faith in the band and don't believe it would happen. i'm just saying i wouldn't blame them.
Deege said:
Isn't the whole point of playing to a gigantic Ozzfest crowd to make a GOOD impression? I'm sorry but with Cheeseball Primadonna on vocals, people are going to CRINGE. He was never amazing to begin with...and then add 12 years to his age, and it's going to be fucking awful. It won't be worth it in the longrun for Anthrax to do that.
What he said.
johnnieCzech, what you say is true. Old Lineup? Fuck that. Ok, maybe 1-3 songs, but the rest MUST be the current lineup. These guys are the ones we're listening to for years now. And for me, they are the better Anthrax. They made great records with Bush. I love the old lineup, but it's history.
I'm mad at me, that I voted for Anthrax at Ozzfest.
Better play some headlinershows and fuck the $$$
I would be VERY disappointed, if our boys would take the cash and play with Joey/Spitz.
And I think it would be the beginning of the end of our heroes. If I was Bush, I'd leave if they play the old lineup.
Shit, I'm angry and drunk now. I hope these rumors NEVER come true!
Sharon, you ruined the prince of darkness.
But you'll NEVER destroy the kings of TRASH!!!!

VOTE BUSH! (well, John of course)
I thought the stuff on the net about Frankie leaving were just rumours. And I don't believe this, but you know what I'm saying.
If it did happen, I would still support the band. But I seriously doubt this is true!