p2p gone!


The Fuckin' Man
Jul 3, 2005
apparently our SWEET president signed some shit saying trading music through P2P programs is now illegal. and all P2P programs are being deleted, stopped, and shut down permanently. such a wonderful country some of us live in. let us worry about a few thousand teenagers downloading some free music, instead of worrying about our country that has been hit by not just 1 but 2 hurricanes that have killed many people....sweet fucking place to live, let me tell you.
at least i read something interesting about the state of massa....mas....massachuts.... massachusetts (or whatever that fucking state's name is spelled :p): they're banning M$ Office from their computers and starting to use OpenOffice :headbang:

damn witchhunters know what they do! :lol:
Piration has always been illegal.

There is always a way around it. So you lose your precious Limewire (or whatever the fuck people use these days), big deal. Those are the well known P2P applications.

I never used Napster, Kazaa, Limewire, etc. but I use methods less known and less traceable.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
at least i read something interesting about the state of massa....mas....massachuts.... massachusetts (or whatever that fucking state's name is spelled :p): they're banning M$ Office from their computers and starting to use OpenOffice :headbang:

damn witchhunters know what they do! :lol:

dilema1362 said:
caravan? like a gypsy? i dont think there are even any trailor parks here in MA, nevermind caravans

Nah, trailer parks are reserved for the Southern States! Like mines! :)
Isn't this just for pr0n?

And besides, you really thing this shit is going to go away?
bobvex said:
Isn't this just for pr0n?

And besides, you really thing this shit is going to go away?

not a chance bro. bush can do what he want....and it aint gonna change a fuckin thing. im still gnna get all my music for free. hell, i live in the only state with gay marriages. fuck bush!!!!!!!!!
Dude, why are you saying 'Fuck Bush'? Because he's attempting to take away our "rights" to obtain pirated music, movies and applications?

For one, it's illegal in the first place. The only thing that makes it legal is the fact that they're used for 'back-up' and 'educational' purposes only (which is bullshit and everybody knows it). Instead of bitching about it, obtain some computer literacy (or competance for that matter) and find other methods of getting your shit. Like I mentioned before, the methods I use are flawless and never going to go away.
chill out bro. i was being facetious....due to being drunk.

p2p programs will never go away, period. its just not possible to get rid of them all. the government will not be able to crack down on them. i just dont think it'll work.