
its always amusing to see the 'aftermath' of sorts after a drunken night. most specifically interesting was apparently me mentioning to this girl from work that we should go have drinks some time and her enthusiastically agreeing.

i, however, am caught in this awful malaise. i cannot move from my bed even with my desire or need even for some water. i am pro-'fuck movement' atm
why is it so hard to be friends with a girl?

i drank whiskey out of the bottle all night Friday, and beer, "ghetto blasters" with vodka and tequila shots all night Saturday. excessive. both nights resulted in such wankery that i couldn't stand erect like a human.
That's called human nature I believe. I was JUST talking to Rick about this actually.

Yeah I was sloppy and falling all over the place. Might as well get this out of my system now, it's not safe to get stupendously drunk in public in America but in Japan everyone does it and you always see chicks in stiletto heels throwing up and falling down.
That's called human nature I believe. I was JUST talking to Rick about this actually.

Yeah I was sloppy and falling all over the place. Might as well get this out of my system now, it's not safe to get stupendously drunk in public in America but in Japan everyone does it and you always see chicks in stiletto heels throwing up and falling down.

:lol: then i must live in japan....

no but i got equally trashed last night. plymouth is the 3rd of july hub, people come from out of state to get shot stabbed and arrested on white horse beach to the sound of fireworks and massive bonfires. inflatable jails and riot police, that sort of shyte. well i usually love this but this year everyone was being lame as fuck so i just drank with a couple buddies, keeping it low key for a change. 2 cases of beer, a bottle of johnny walker, and i would say i celebrated my 3rd properly
I celebrated my 4th of July by going out to sushi with friends and eating anime themed ice cream while watching Tim and booze involved.