PAGAN'S MIND confirmed as headliner for PROGPOWER EUROPE 2008

Ehmmm ... no ....

The official language is Dutch in Holland/Netherlands. In Belgium half the population speaks Flemish, in Holland it's just a small part.

Oh, in USA you speak English, go figure ;-))))))))

Opps my bad, your so right Claus its Belgium that speaks a majority of Flemish. What do you speak in Denmark? Danish? hehehehehehehe think about England they not only speak English, but also Welsh, Scottish, and a bunch of others, and by the way I speak Texan:rock::rock::rock:
Opps my bad, your so right Claus its Belgium that speaks a majority of Flemish. What do you speak in Denmark? Danish? hehehehehehehe think about England they not only speak English, but also Welsh, Scottish, and a bunch of others, and by the way I speak Texan:rock::rock::rock:

I hate being so politically correct (actually I don't but ... :-)):

Yes, we speak Danish in Denmark - no, not the pastry, which in Denmark we called wienerbrød after Vienna in Austria of all places.

In England they speak English.
In Great Britain they speak English, Scottish and Welsh.
In United Kingdom they speak English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish (well, some of the ones from Northern Ireland does).

Geography lesson #3 :-)))))))))))))

I hate being so politically correct (actually I don't but ... :-)):

Yes, we speak Danish in Denmark - no, not the pastry, which in Denmark we called wienerbrød after Vienna in Austria of all places.

In England they speak English.
In Great Britain they speak English, Scottish and Welsh.
In United Kingdom they speak English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish (well, some of the ones from Northern Ireland does).

Geography lesson #3 :-)))))))))))))


Some in Scotland speak Gaelic, and in Ireland Gaeilge. On the Isle of Man some speak Gailck.

Denmark you also have faorese, and greenlandic.
Going by that rule, the Swedes and Norwegian people should speak Danish as well ... alas, they don't :)

Not really.

English was the spoken language when they settled what is now USA.

Old Norse was the spoken language when the 'danes' were basically controlling Finland/Norway. And swedish, danish, and norwegian are all descendant langauges of old norse.

In USA we too have our language differences with England. However, the differences are minor enough that I think its rare that you'll hear a term like 'american english.'
Old Norse was the spoken language when the 'danes' were basically controlling Finland/Norway.

When did we ever control Finland?

And swedish, danish, and norwegian are all descendant langauges of old norse.

Yes and no ... all the old norse language are derived from the Germanic language, but Swedish and Danish are closer to each other in "language tribe" than Norway, Faroe Islands and Iceland (whose original language is closer to what we understand as old norse).
When did we ever control Finland?

Oops. Didn't mean to include them. Meant your Swede/Norwegian comment.

Yes and no ... all the old norse language are derived from the Germanic language, but Swedish and Danish are closer to each other in "language tribe" than Norway, Faroe Islands and Iceland (whose original language is closer to what we understand as old norse).

Ahh okay.
Why? Do you want to kick my ass for being obnoxious? ;-)))))))


hehehehehehehe Not at all. I will wait until March to do that when i get you drunk in Houston.

If I don't get a chance, oh wait you will be here in few days and i am sure we will talk at least once.
In USA we too have our language differences with England. However, the differences are minor enough that I think its rare that you'll hear a term like 'american english.'

Don't let any Brits see that. To them, we butcher the Queen's English every day! :lol:

PM is a great choice for PPEurope. :rock:
I'd love to go back to it someday, but finances will dictate against it. Besides, I'd miss the 013 venue too much. :)
I suppose word travels fast about how dominant of a band they are. They deserve a headliner slot. If I were in a band, you couldn't pay me a small mint to play right after PM. I have seen a handful of bands as good as they are, but none better. They were as perfect as I liove band can get. That is great for them !!

"Holland" is also informally used in English and other languages, including sometimes the Dutch language itself, to mean the whole of the modern country of the Netherlands.

Oh by the way the inhabitants of Holland(Netherlands) are called Dutch, and their primary language is Flemish, go figure.

How very confusing! So, then the Netherlands is only part of the country if Holland is the name for thw whole of it?