Pagan's Mind - SLAYED

Holy shit. I kinda came on myself. They were perfect....except for that fuck up at the end.....but only us musicians know that shit, right? :)
But anywhoo....I couldn't even stay for Sonata Arctica, I felt anything more
would ruin it. I'm sure they are prolly kicking some ass right now and I'm gay for missing em'. I've waited for like 4 yrs or more to see PAGANS MIND.
I bought Celestial Entrance when it came out and they've been one of my primary bands since. Just downloaded the new one today and it is fucking amazing. Can't wait to actually own the real thing, but at least I can ROCK it.
Well as far as today's events. Raintime really stuck out. They were pretty energetic and awsome. But PAGANS MIND is why I spent about a thousand bucks to make the trip to see them.....and it was worth it.
Definately the best band I've ever seen live.
Pretty much fantastic.
Heh. I thought Pagan's Mind was one of the weaker sets of the night. But this isn't a band that I was familiar with beyond about 2 songs. From what i heard, I liked the riffs, I loved the solos (yay for a metal guitarist who realizes they he doesn't need to sweep pick everything). What hurt me was mostly the singer. Yes, he can sing very well and strongly. But to me, the only thing that changed about his singing from song to song was the words out of his mouth. His style/approach/delivery remained the same. A few of us agreed (who weren't very familiar with the band going in), that its a band... or at least a singer... that is in love with a particular sound and that's just what they are going to do. That said... Osiris' Eyes just kicks ass.

Communic was also just alright for me. I thought they could have been better, and I like them on Cd, but live they did little for me.

Redemption was very good. Great song selection, excellent playing.

Sonata Arctica kicked some serious ass. Loved their entire set.

And co-sponsoring Virgin Steele was definitely worth it for me. I really enjoyed their performance, song selection and all. Talked to Dave a little bit after the show and he just kept saying how honored they were to perform at ProgPower, and how much they enjoyed the reception. I know the band isn't for all, but for those of us who love them it was just an awesome show.

Can't say much about Raintime as due to time issues only caught them at the end. They sounded great though and I hope to see them again. From the audience reaction at the end... I wouldn't doubt if it was next year at the showcase.
Wow, it's amazing how people opinions vary from band to band. I came to see Sonata Arctica tonight and I thought they were good. The one that surprised me the most was Pagans Mind...Great set, love the new material..heavy as hell!!! Biggest disappointment was Virgin Steele. Didn't like them or the vocals.

Looking forward to Saturday night. Primal Fear, Threshold, After Forever and the much hyped All Star Jam.
At the risk of sounding redundant, as there’s a similar Redemption thread: I’m not a big fan of Pagan’s Mind, and they delivered about what I expected as they did at PPUSA IV. Nevertheless, they were hands down the crowd favorite tonight.
Magius you're awesome and everything, but...I just don't understand you. So you're saying you LOVE Pagan's Mind and they did a kickass job right? :lol: Just kidding man.

Anyways Pagan's Mind definitely blew the roof off the place for me. I can't wait to have the new disc in my hand!
Agree w/Patrick, Pagan's mind slayed, destroyed, kicked ass, well, just can't explain, it was flipping awesome!!
I wasn't very familiar with Pagan's Mind but I must say I enjoyed their set. Major props to their guitar player, the whole time he was playing all I could think about was Guitar Hero. I could just listen to their guitar player doing instrumentals all night.
You're damn right they slayed. Not only did they smoke every other band Friday but they were also the best sounding band by far. The crowd was going ballistic and gee I wonder why?

Not only are they incredible but they have so much class its not even funny.

Thank you once again PM for reassuring me why in my are the kings of Melodic Metal!
As much as I loved Sonata Arctica, and in fact, that was the second time seeing them in two days, buuut... the night definitely went to PAGAN'S MIND!!!! Holy shit, did they kick some serious ass last night! Some of those new songs off their new are some serious barn-burners! Good gawd, I think I almost ended up with a whiplash from the the headbanging I was doing during that one! I so can't wait until that new album comes out.

Don't get me wrong, I thought all of the bands did an excellent job last night, and I was thoroughly impressed with Raintime (ended up buying both of their albums), and Remption also put an incredible set, but in the end, it was Pagan's Mind that stole the show (with Sonata Arctica bringing up a very close second)!
I agree, Pagan's Mind was (almost) flawless and they just blew me out of the water. My only gripe is the same for Sonata Arctica (who I love, and this was my first time seeing) - the sound guys apparently could not get anything going that approached a balanced sound. Especially Sonata...half the time you couldn't hear the vocals or the guitar. Both PM and SA had WAY too much drums and bass going on in the mix. Tried moving from the floor up to some seats and around a bit...never evened out. The bands themselves were great, but the sound was a big disappointment.
I was fine with Sonata's sound other than the lack of vocals volume. But that's been a problem the entire fest. Oh well.

I still think that S.A. had the best reception/interaction from the people in the seats. And they got Glenn to dance like a madman!

They were also the only band that got somewhat of a standing ovation (and it wasn't just for people leaving the venue).
Pagan's Mind and Sonata used their own sound guys. Everyone else used mine.

...and it showed! I'm sure PM and SA's guys did their best, but the other bands had way better sound, bottom line. Its hard to just come into a place and get a grip on the room's sound in such a short amount of time.


PAGAN'S MIND :kickass::kickass::kickass::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Oh, who was that band who played after Pagan's Mind? I forget! :heh:

Seriously... I was already planning on buying the new CD when it came out. Now I'll PRE-ORDER it!! That performance SMOKED! It was the most awesome band I've seen at ProgPower yet!!


Nuff said!!
You're damn right they slayed. Not only did they smoke every other band Friday but they were also the best sounding band by far. The crowd was going ballistic and gee I wonder why?

Not only are they incredible but they have so much class its not even funny.

Thank you once again PM for reassuring me why in my are the kings of Melodic Metal!

DrumRman, I was on the second row on the floor, so basically I was acting like an idiot during the PM set. :lol: That's what a metal show should be like, high energy from everyone in the band. Jorn is a very underrated guitarist in my humble opinion, and has awesome stage presence! Nils is a freakin' awesome frontman, again with stellar stage presence! :worship:

:headbang:I agree My first time seeing Pagan's mind and it was awesome!! and getting to meet them as well was, seemed real nice..All the bands were good to me, i wont get to attend tonight but 7 hours of music was great!!
future.progpowerusa.headliner. :kickass:

that's the best I can do to describe how I felt about their performance. I do hope they are able to return someday as a headliner for this fest.

And Raintime can be moved up to a 3rd spot when they return. Great set by them as well. I'd love to see more of their material live.

Glenn - I told you already this may be your strongest lineup yet. And even though we're only half way through the weekend, looking at all the reactions from everyone else... "I told you so!". :heh:
